Substance Abuse Flashcards
Substance Use Disorder
Problematic pattern of using alcohol or another substance that results in impairment in daily life or noticeable distress; will often continue despite consequences. Must have at least 2 symptoms within 12 months
Substance Intoxication
Development of a reversible, substance-specific syndrome as a result of recent ingestion of a substance; must include maladaptive behavior or psychological changes
Substance Withdrawal
Substance-specific maladaptive behavioral change with psychological and cognitive correlates, due to cessation or reduction of heavy/prolonged substance use
Alcohol Intoxication
Inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior; impaired judgement; slurred speech; unsteady gait; impaired attention/memory; stupor; coma
Alcohol Withdrawal
Sweating; tachycardia; hand tremor; insomnia; nausea/vomiting; transient illusions or hallucinations; anxiety; psychomotor agitation; grand mal seizures; delirium tremens
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
Caused by thiamine deficiency often associated with alcoholism; confusion, loss of muscle coordination, vision changes
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Retrograde and antereretrograde amnesia and confabulation; hallucinations
Amphetamine/Cocaine Intoxication
Euphoria; anxiety; hyperactivity; grandiosity; confusion; anger; paranoia; auditory hallucinations; tachycardia; dilated pupils; perspiration or chills; nausea/vomiting; weight loss; muscular weakness; confusion; seizures
Amphetamine/Cocaine Withdrawal
Dysphoric mood; fatigue; vivid and unpleasant dreams; insomnia or hypersomnia; increased appetite; psychomotor agitation or retardation
Caffeine Intoxication
Restlessness; nervousness; excitement; insomnia; flushed face; diuresis; gastrointestinal disturbance; muscle twitches; rambling flow of thought/speech; psychomotor agitation
Caffeine Withdrawal
Headache (most common); changes in mood (depression/anxiety); fatigue; difficulty concentrating; increased appetite
Cannabis Intoxication
Impaired motor coordination; euphoria; anxiety; sensation of slowed time; impaired judgement; social withdrawal; conjunctival injection (eye redness); increased appetite; dry mouth; tachycardia
Cannabis Withdrawal
Irritability; anger; nervousness/anxiety; insomnia; decreased appetite or weight loss; depressed mood; stomach pain; shakiness/tremors; sweating; fever; headache
Hallucinogens Intoxication
Perceptual changes; anxiety; depression; ideas of reference; paranoid ideation; pupillary dilation; tachycardia; sweating; palpitations; blurred vision; tremors
Hallucinogens Withdrawal
Persisting Perception Disorder (flashbacks): re-experiencing of one or more of the perceptual symptoms that were experienced while intoxicated
Opioid Intoxication
Initial euphoria followed by apathy or dysphoria; pupillary constriction; drowsiness or coma; slurred speech; impairment in attention/memory
Opioid Withdrawal
Dysphoric mood; nausea/vomiting; muscle aches; runny eyes and nose; pupillary dilation; diarrhea; fever; insomnia
12 Step Program
Based on disease model; almost always part of addiction treatment (ex: AA, NA)
Motivational Interviewing
Treatment model that focuses on resolving ambivalence and using person’s own values and concerns to elicit change
Early Full Remission
None of the criteria for SUD except for cravings are met for at least 3 months but less than 12 months.
Sustained Full Remission
None of the criteria for SUD except for cravings are met for at least 12 months (or longer)
Alcoholic Family: Dependent
The alcoholic family member
Alcoholic Family: Enabler
Person who does everything to get the dependent to stop drinking except what might actually work (i.e, confrontation); often the spouse
Alcoholic Family: Hero
Family member who is aware of what is going on and tries to assume responsibility for the family by being successful (often the oldest child)
Alcoholic Family: Scapegoat
Family member who rejects the family system (often the 2nd child)
Alcoholic Family: Lost Child
Family member who quietly withdraws from the family system (often the 3rd child)
Alcoholic Family: Mascot
Family member who plays ‘the clown’ in order to relieve family tension or their own pain (often the youngest child)
Harm Reduction Intervention
Aims to reduce the negative effects of alcohol and drug use; Acknowledges that despite prevention and abstinence efforts, some clients will continue to engage in use.