Subjects of International Law + Statehood Flashcards
Summarise what public international law is
-HORIZONTAL legal order (e.g: each state equal to each other)
-no executive AUTHORITY to enforce this decisions
-on the basis of their own power (need permission of states)
-Law made by states to REG. their INT. with each other
-PIL mostly regulates the CON. of states
-Mostly self help NORM. order
Hoes, Anarchists, Racists Cant Nibble
What are “subjects of international law”?
- An entity with International Legal Personality
-ICJ, Reparation for Injuries case
“Capable of posessing international rights and duties, and has the capacity to maintain tis rights by bringing international claims.”
“the subjects of law in any legal system are not necessarily identical in their nature or in the extent of their rights.”
Where is the law of what constitutes an international legal personality found?
International Court of Justice, Reparation for Injuries, Advisory Opinion (1949)
List the subjects of international law
- States
-International organizations
-Multinational corporations
-Holy See
-Groups (e.g. indigenous population)
What is the criteria used to define what a state is?
-Montevideo Criteria
List the criteria of the Motevideo convention
- a PERMANENT population
- a DEFINED territory
- capacity to enter into RELATIONS with other States
Presidents Dictate Government Regulations
Where is the criteria of the Montevideo convention (statehood) found
- Art. 1 of the Convention
Explain the criteria of a permanent population?
- People reside permanently in an area
-number of ppl irrelevant
-can be 2 can be 200,0000
-Nomadic tribes tribes uclear (western sahara advisory opinion–> don’t necessary have to remember for exam
Explain the criteria of a defined territory
-can have unsettled boundaries without excluding it from becoming a state itself
-territorial disputes common
-but clearly discernable territory (dk what the fuck that means)
Explain the criteria of “a Government”
a. has to be independent, power has to be independently sourced
- e.g: not from other states’ military power
-Effective power (cap. of controlling territory)
-form of government is not important
Explain the criteria of “capacity to enter into relations with other states”
- can exercise its own foreign relations
-independent of the interference of other states
-can do this as its own independent entity- ‘independence in international relations’
List the two theories on the recognition of States
-Declaratory Theory
-Constitutive Theory
Explain the declaratory theory of the recognition of states
- not having recognition does not exclude the existence of a state
-MONTEVIDEO CRITERIA (art. 1 ) determines this
-recognition just acknowledges/ DECLAREs an already established statehood
Explain the Consitutive theory
- A state only exists if it is recognised by other States
- Recognition CONSTITutes the existence of states
Which theory of Statehood does the Mntevideo Convention adopt?
- Art. 3 MC
–> “political existence of the state is independent of recognition by other states”