Subject Terminology Conflict Poems Flashcards
What is the technique of final consonants of the final words are the same, but the overall sound is not the same?
How is the individual experience of war of Exposure depicted with half-rhyme.
Depicted to be unpredictable.
What is Exposure revealing about war in the quote “Far off, like a dull rumour of some other war?”
The cycle of war.
Who is the real duke behind My Last Duchess?
Duke Alfonso II of Ferrara during the Italian Renaissance.
How old were the duke and Lucrezia Medici when they were married in a chapel?
The Duke was aged 24 years old when he married 13 year old Lucrezia.
What is the structure of the poem My Last Duchess?
Dramatic monologue.
What does the poem My Last Duchess use to mimic a conversational tone?
Iambic pentameter.
What does the duke symbolise in an alternative interpretation of My Last Duchess?
Male possessiveness to force women into submission.
What is the structure of the poem Poppies?
What narrative is the poem Poppies?
What does the mother symbolise in the poem Poppies in an alternative interpretation?
The feminine perspective of World War I’s effects.
What do Poppies and Tissue use the semantic field of to highlight the power of insignificant objects?
Sematic field of materials.
How is dichotomy presented in the conflict poems?
The dichotomy between morality and violence in humanity.
What time period was Weir asked to write the poem Poppies by Carol Ann Duffy?
When British soldiers were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
What is the third-person perspective telling facts about characters from a knowledgeable place?
What is the use of grotesque in conflict poems?
To focus on the bizarre, ugly and absurd aspects of conflict.
What type of poem is The Prelude?
Autobiographical Epic poem.
Why did Worsworth go to the Lake District during his adolescence?
To escape his family problems.
What was Wordsworth’s intentions of writing the prelude towards contemporary society?
To warn contemporary society when transforming the green countryside to grow the Industrial Revolution, that nature will rebel.
What is Romanticism?
Movement in the 19th century to celebrate nature and individual liberty.
What is the war associated with the context of The Emigrée poem published in 1993 and what were they about?
The Yugoslav Wars. A series of ethnic conflicts causing the breakup of Yugoslavia into 6 independent countries.
What two events occurred when London by William Blake was published?
The French Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution.
What is the poem the Storm on the Island, an extended metaphor for?
Political troubles in Northern Ireland.