Subject H - Engine Instrument Systems Flashcards
what are the units in an engine fuel flow system?
The system consists of a transmitter and an indicator for each engine.
Where is the fuel flow transmitter located?
It is mounted in the fuel line between the engine driven pump and carburetor.
What type of readout is indicated on a fuel flow system?
The indicator is calibrated to record the fuel flow in pounds per hour.
What exactly does a mass flow transmitter measure?
The density mass of the fuel that flows through it.
What is the reason for monitoring the fuel flow?
In addition to fuel consumption, the operator can determine the fuel flow indication whether the engine is operating at the correct fuel-air mixture for a given power setting.
What does a manifold pressure gauge indicate?
It measures the absolute pressure in the intake manifold.
what would be the effect of a broken manifold pressure gauge.
A broken line will cause the gauge to indicate atmospheric pressure.
What does the engine tachometer indicate?
It indicates crankshaft speed (RPM)
What is the most likely cause of an oscillating tachometer?
a kink in the cable
What type of tachometer is used in multi-engine airplanes?
Alternating current tachometer generators.
what are turbine engine tachometers designed to indicate
They are designed to indicate the percent of engine rotor (shaft) RPM
What is the EPR on a turbine engine?
It is the ratio between total turbine discharge pressure to total inlet pressure and indicates the thrust being developed by the engine.
What is the electric source for a cylinder head temperature gauge?
A thermocouple attached to the cylinder head.
Where is the carburetor air temperature bulb located?
It is located in the air intake passage to the engine.
How can a turbine engine EGT be checked without operating the engine?
What is the typically acceptable resistance of a cylinder head thermocouple cable?
2 to 8 ohms