SU1 - Probability and Random Variables Flashcards
What is a probability space?
- sample space(Ω)
- sigma field(ℱ) field
- probability function(𝑷)
What is a sample space?
Set of all the possible outcomes of a random experiment
What is a sigma field?
set that contains all possible unions of all possible events arising from the experiment
What are the three properties of a sigma-field?
- contains the sample space(Ω) itself
- contains each possible event and its complement
- all countable unions of events are contained in sigma field
What are the three axioms of probability?
- the probability measure of this event must return a non-negative value
- probability function over the entire sample space is equal to 1
- for disjoint events, the probability of observing the union of these events is the sum of the probabilities of observing each of them
What is a probability function?
provides the probabilities associated with the possible values of the random variable X
What is a random variable?
They are numerical variables whose outcomes are not certain but are only known with a specific probability. A real-valued function that is defined on S
What is a discrete random variable?
is a discrete random variable if X can take only a finite number k of different values or, at most, countably infinite number of values
What is a Bernoulli Distribution?
a random experiment that has only two outcomes (usually called a “Success” or a “Failure”)
What is a continuous random variable?
It can take on any real value along an interval, an infinite number of uncountable outcomes
What are the two requirements of a pdf?
a) pdf must be non-zero (because as probabilities are non-zero, pdf naturally also non-zero)
b) the entire area under the density function must be equal to 1.
What is a uniform distribution?
It has a constant pdf over the interval
see example in study guide
What is cumulative distribution frequency?
It describes the probability of observing the random variable X up to a certain value, say x
What are the 4 properties of cdf?
- A c.d.f F is a non-decreasing function of x.
If x1 < x2, then P (X ≤ x1 ) ≤ P (X ≤ x2 ) i.e. F (x1) ≤ F (x2) - P (X > c) = 1 -F (c)
- P (a < X ≤ b) = F (b) - F (a)
- P (a < X < b) = P (a ≤ X ≤ b) = P (a ≤ X < b) = P (a < X ≤ b)
What is a quantile?
General expression for medians, quartiles, quintiles, percentiles, etc (median is 0.5, 0.25-quantile is the first quartile)
How to test for independence?
What is the probability density function?
Provides information on the likely outcomes of that random variable. Could be discrete/continuous
What does the joint distribution tell you?
The dependence from one random variable to another
- joint probability function (if discrete)
- joint probability density function integrated over an interval (if continuous).
What is a marginal distribution?
Distribution of one random variable.
- marginal probability function (discrete)
- marginal probability density function (continuous)
What does the independence of two random variables mean?
Whatever the value of X is, will not affect the probability of Y
What is the conditional density function?
Contains information about how a random variable X affects a random variable Y
What is the conditional density?
The ratio of the joint density function and marginal density function