stuff idk - from short course summary booklet Flashcards
what did god create on the days in order?
day 1- let there be light
day 2- separated sky and sea
day 3- vegetation on the land
day 4- sun, moon, stars
day 5 - birds and fish
day 6- land animals and humans
day 7- rest
what is the inconsistent triad?
god is omnipotent/ god is omnibenevolent/ evil exists
describe the iranaean theodicy
-god allows evil to exist
-created world w/good + evil
-allow for humans to express free will
-aka soul-making theodicy
-suffering is necessary for ppl to grow + develop spiritually
-god won’t intervene - free will
describe the augustinian theodicy
-god didn’t create evil - world is perfect
-evil = lack of good
-evil entered world in Fall - as a consequence of free will
-god will not intervene because of free will
-god provided a means of salvation thru jesus
describe the teachings on the law (from the sermon on the mount)
feeling horny = committing adultery
thoughts = actions
describe true discipleship (from the sermon on the mount)
how to live a good christian life in words + actions (includes lord’s prayer)
describe judging others (from the sermon on the mount)
don’t judge people bc only god is perfect (the speck/plank quote)
how can u be saved?
-jesus must be sacrificed (done:D)
-have faith in jesus
-sincerely ask god for forgiveness
-if he forgives you, this is bc of god, not you :(
what is the second coming of jesus also known as?
describe muhammad
-human - the final + greatest prophet
-perfect example of humanity
-story of black stone - united tribes + repaied kaaba
describe what happened after muhammad started to preach the words of god
-went to madinah from makkah (hijirah)
-some warfare
-returned to makkah + destroyed idols
what are the 5 pillars of islam?
-shadah - god + muhammad
-salah - pray 5 times a day
sawm - fasting during ramadan
zakah - giving to charity
hajj - go to makkah on a pilgrimage once
what is ahmadiyya
a branch of Islam, starting in the late 19th century, believing the Messiah had come
what are sufis
a mystical branch of Islam
who are the six articles of faith for?