Stuff from Exams I don't know Flashcards
Types of MAC Mandatory Access Control environments:
Generational Fuzzing AKA Intelligent Fuzzing
A form of fuzzing that develops inputs based on models of expected inputs to perform the same task. This is also sometimes called intelligent fuzzing. A form of fuzzing that modifies known inputs to generate synthetic inputs that may trigger unexpected behavior.
Regression Testing
testing software functions based on prior test scenarios to ensure that a change has not negatively impacted the software
SCAP Protocol - NIST
The Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) is a method for using specific standards to enable automated vulnerability management, measurement, and policy compliance evaluation of systems deployed in an organization, including e.g., FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act, 2002) compliance. The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) is the U.S. government content repository for SCAP. An example of an implementation of SCAP is OpenSCAP.
Input fuzzing tool
Data Diddling
Changing data with malicious intent before or during input to the system. The act of making small changes to data, typically malicious in intent.
XST Attack
Method to steal Cookies:
A Cross-Site Tracing (XST) attack involves the use of Cross-site Scripting (XSS) and the TRACE or TRACK HTTP methods. According to RFC 2616, “TRACE allows the client to see what is being received at the other end of the request chain and use that data for testing or diagnostic information.”, the TRACK method works in the same way but is specific to Microsoft’s IIS web server. XST could be used as a method to steal user’s cookies via Cross-site Scripting (XSS) even if the cookie has the “HttpOnly” flag set or exposes the user’s Authorization header
CPTED - Crime prevention through environmental design 5 strategies
Strategies: Natural Surveillance, Natural Access Control, Territorial Reinforcement, activity support, Maintenance.
E-Discovery reference model steps
Identification. …
Preservation. …
Collection. …
Processing. …
Review. …
Analysis. …
Forensic Disk Controller
Performs four functions,
write blocking,
returning data requested by a read operation,
access-significant information from the device,
reporting errors from the device back to the forensic host
Limit Check
Type of input control:
An input control text that assesses the value of a data field to determine whether values fall within set limits.
Dry pipe, vs wet pipe, vs pre-action
Calculation of SYMMETRIC keys needed in a large group for all to communicated securely.
Calculation of ASYMMETRIC keys needed in a large group for all to communicated securely.
2 times people
Output Encoding - AKA Encoding
Defensive technique against injection attack:
involves translating special characters into some different but equivalent form that is no longer dangerous in the target interpreter, for example translating the < character into the < string when writing to an HTML page.
Injection Attack defensive technique:
Escaping involves adding a special character before the character/string to avoid it being misinterpreted, for example, adding a \ character before a “ (double quote) character so that it is interpreted as text and not as closing a string.