Stuff Flashcards
Sunk Costs
Costs which cannot be recovered
Oppurtunity Cost
The foregone benefit from not applying the resource in the best alternative use. Therefore firms should ignore sunk costs.
User Cost of Capital
Is the opportunity cost:
= foregone interest + economics depreciation
= interest rate + depreciation
Economies of Scale
Constant Costs
AC Constant with q so MC= AC
Diseconomies of Scale
AC Increases with Q so MC > AC
Efficient Scale
Level of Output where AC is minimized. AC=MC. Efficient Scale influences the firm size in an industry.
what can efficient scale influence?
Efficient scale can influence firm in size in an industry:
Suppose there is a firm that is much larger than the efficient scale ( high AC)
other firms ay want to enter the market
Economies of Scope
Cost Savings associated with the joint simultaneous production of several products.
Cost of producing two products together is cheaper than making them separately
Learning Effects
Costs savings that arise from repetition, pracise or experience of on going production
Todays output affects tomorrow’s costs
Learning Curve Strategy
Overproduce now for lower costs in future
Need to be undertaken with care there are risks associated with following strategy