Stuff Flashcards
What is the revolution of 100 scientists from Europe?
The scientific revolution
Who created the heliocentric theory and what was it?
Copernicus; the idea that the sun was in the center and the planets revolved around it.
What was the problem Copernicus had with publishing his idea? What did he do about it?
Inquisition – the trial for heretics or people who went against the church; he published it after death
What was the original theory of the solar system?
The geocentric theory
What is empiricism?
Data collection
Who was Brahe?
A Danish man of Enlightenment (bladder explosion)
Who was Kepler and what did he prove?
He was a German man who discovered elliptical orbits
Who is Galileo Galilei and what did he do?
He was an Italian man who made naked eye observations and went blind from staring at the sun
Who was Newton? And what was the religion that followed him
Newton was an English mathematician and he believed in deism
What is deism?
Scientific reconcile of natural world and God
Who where to scientific methods scientists?
Francis Bacon and Descartes
What were two methods of reasoning
Inductive and deductive
What is utilitarianism
The greater good
Who is John Locke?
A man bothered by chaotic English war. Created the natural rights: life, liberty, property
What was the social contract?
The idea that citizens must entrust power under government