Stuff Flashcards
Bass Clef
a clef placing F below middle C on the second-highest line of the staff
Treble Clef
a clef placing G above middle C on the second-lowest line of the staff
Key Signature
any of several combinations of sharps or flats after the clef at the beginning of each stave indicating the key of a composition
Ledger Lines
a short line added for notes above or below the range of a staff
a sign indicating a momentary departure from the key signature by raising or lowering a note
lower (a note) by a semitone
raise the pitch of (a note).
a sign (♮) denoting a natural note when a previous sign or the key signature would otherwise demand a sharp or a flat.
of or relating to notes that are the same in pitch (in modern tuning) though bearing different names (e.g., F sharp and G flat or B and C flat).
Major Scale
A major scale is a diatonic scale. The sequence of intervals between the notes of a major scale is: whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half.
Musical sound
5 lines and 4 spaces on which music is written
Half Step
Go up or down by half step
Common Time
4/4 Time
Cut Time
2/2 Time
Getting softer, like a decrescendo