studying for final Flashcards
rate of postpartum depression
1 in 8 omwen
thomson closing claims
Just because you have a termination of pregnancy doesn’t mean you get to kill the fetus, even where there are restrictions on termination this can switch the discussion
Two ways to change the discussion — the viability discussion now goes out the window. This is BS, because give lawmakers the option to remove the fetus and incubate it. Is this fair to the fetus? There are likely going to be effects on the fetus out of the womb if this is done at 20 weeks — serious disabilities, possibly debilitating.
No healthcare worker will agree on extracting the fetus
Viability has to mean more than “won’t die” — thats all this discussion is taking into consideration
Roe w. Wade is bullshit because it talks about viability, not because of what current politicians say
This is why we don’t have artificial wombs — considerations of pregnancy will shift greatly
spontaneous abortions
abortion related deaths in the states
less than 1 per 100,000 in the last 5 years
induced abortions
resulting from human interventions
- therapeutic
- elective
terminological points of conflict associated with abortion
human life
the fallopian tube containing the embryo is removed - only this option is sanctioned among those that generally oppose induced abortion - though this procedure terminates the pregnancy and kills the embryo
fundamental dispute in abortion?
- can prioritizing personhood in abortion debates weaken our obligations to humans who are not plausibly thought of as persons
think of end of life care in dementia
how many eggs are aborted spontaneously
around half. most miscarriages occur in the first 7 weeks of pregnancy
embroy is removed through an opening in the fallopian tube, can save the tube
salpingectomy also known as
indirect bortion
drug that kills the embryo - interferes with cell divison
is there an agreed upon condition of personhood in philosophy?
CDC abortion facts
majority women between 20-29
only 0.9% occured after 21 weeks
most were first time
most women had already given birth once
three common ways to treat ectopic pregnancy
- methotrexate
- salpingostomy
- salpingectomy
therapeutic abortions
medically necessary, performed to protect the pregnant person from severe harm or because of fetal abnormalities
ectopic pregnancy
when implantation occurs outside of the uterus (typically in fallopian tubes). if the baby doesnt fail to grow, it will kill the pregnant person through sepsis
canadian code - when child becomes a human being
it has breathed, it has an independent circulation or the navel string is severed - therefore a fetus isn’t human under law
- what makes an individual a person
in philosophical debates it does not come down to whether someone is a member of our species. can connect personhood and other animals
three questions that arise from conception of personhood?
- what makes an individual a person
- does personhood clarify the moral issues surrounding abortion
- can prioritizing personhood in abortion debates weaken our obligations to humans who are not plausibly thought of as persons
elective abortions
regarded as not medically necessary
CIHI abortion facts
45.1% were women between 18-29 weeks
most happened before 13 weeks
- does personhood clarify the moral issues surrounding abortion
according to thomson - not really
what does thomson grant for sake of argument
that fetus, beginning with conception, is. person
thomson concerned with two claims
- The view that the human fetus, from the moment of conception, is a person — no conditions of personhood would have an embryo as a person (but this doesn’t solve anything)
- There is a presumption that the mortality of abortion stands or falls whether one accepts or rejects that human fetuses are persons — talks about when a fetus has hands, a face, etc. but these aren’t conditions of a person