studying Flashcards
learn everything
what is the middle class?
a new class for people just who aren’t poor and whoa rent rich
the journalist of there time
lincoln steffens
exposed corrupt gov
jacob riis
exposed tenement housing, and urban problems
ida b wells
founding member of NAACP, racism, lynching, segregation
ida tarbell
spent 5 years studying standard oil
nelly bly
she went undercover to help fix mental instututions
florence kelly
child labor and women working conditions
upton sinclair
exposed meat packing in chicago
mother jones
keating-owens act
worked with child labor
stop husbands from drinking
16th amendment
created income tax
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
17th amendment
direct election for senetors
18th amendment
no alcohol
19th amendment
women voting
seneca fall convention
the first time women started to meet to talk about what they wanted to fight for
direct primary
the people pick there political parties
voters can remove public servents
citizens can approve/reject law to be voted on in new election
people prepose a new law
national american women sufferage association
silent sentinals
a group ran by alice paul and lucy burns
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
teddy roosevelt
proggresive president
square deal
prevent wealthy from taking advantage of poor
bully pulpit
roosevelt spoke out of social issues
william howard taft
WE HATE HIM!!!took place Of TF but did nothing like him
woodrew wilson
cool calm and collected
new freedom
focused on the “tripple wall of priviallge” - free of tarrifts, banks, and trust
meat inspection act
upton siclair they needed to look at meat beofore they could sell
pure food and drug act
same this as meat they have to inspect medicine
underwood TARRIFT act
make prices lower on forigen goods so consumers were not forced to buy expensives thing
federal reserve act
prevent to much money in the hands of a few people
federal trade commision
make sure monpolies dont happen
clayton anti trust act
protected workers right to organize unions