Study Unit 13 Flashcards
Distributed processing
decentralized processing tasks and data storage and assigning functions to multiple computers, in separate locations
-allows reductions in amnt of comm traffic b/c data needed locally could reside locally
need to increase productivity lead to LAN development
LAN-interconnection bet devices in a single office or bldg
Client server model
most cost effective and easy to admn arrangement for LANs
-differ from peer to peer ntwk in that devices play more specialized roles; client processes request svc from server processes
client server arrangement
server centrally located and devoted to fx needed by all ntwk users
-ex (mail servers, app servers)
determination as server by function it performs (simple personal computer can be a server)
any object that uses resources of another object; client can be either device or sftwr program
client-device that requests svcs from a server
client device-displays user interface and enable data entry, queries, and receipts of reports
Key to client-server model
runs processes on platform most appropriate to process while attempting to minimize traffic over the ntwk (3 tiered architecture of client, app, db)
client svr systems made from eqt from multi vendors
security for client-svr systems more difficult than in highly centralized system b/c of access pts
Security risks of decentralization
unauthorized sftwr easily installed on ntwk; exposure to virus and liability to copyright violation
important files stored on local comp not backed up properly
app written by users of local comp not adhere to stds of org, making data sharing difficult
Classifying Networks by Geographical extent and fx
connects devices w/in single office/home or bldgs.
owned by a single org
wide area ntwk- consists of conglomerate of LANs over widely separated locations; key is either public or privately owned
advantage-spread cost of ownership among multiple org
simplest config is 1 PC using dial up to connect to ISP
Publicly owned WAN
available to any user w/ a compatible device (phone, internet)
assets paid for by means other than indiv imposed user fees
quality can’t be guaranteed, security is highly questionable
Privately owned WAN
profit making
offer faster, secure data comm svc to orgs that don’t make investment in the infrastructure
Types of private WANs
- VANs- private ntwk provide customers w/ reliable, high speed secure transmission of data
- -add value, give cust error detection/correction, e-mail for EDI
VPN - virtual private ntwk
- cheap way to solve problem of high cost of leased lines
- -company connects each office to local ISP, routes data thru public internet
- -VPN success depends on encryption in transit
Intranet vs extranet
both types of WANs (wide area ntwk)
intranet- share info thru org by internet and web sftwr to internal ntwk
extranet- linked intranets of 2 or more orgs (supplier and customers)
-uses public net to transmit, req pword for access
Transmission Control Protocal/ Internet Protocol
suite of comm protocols (rules/stds) used to connect computers to internet; built into ntwk op systems
hypertext markup lang
allows users to click on a word/phrase (hyperlink) on screens and have another doc automatically be displayed
allows hyperlinking across internet not just single computer
browser allows users to read html from computer (web)
extensible markup lang
developed as open std usable w/ many programs and platforms
-codes all info so user can determine how to present and what it is
-uses codes
uniform resource locator
website address
4 primary cloud svcs
Data-as-a-Svc (DaaS)
Infrastructure-as-a-svc (IaaS)
Platform-as-a-svc (Paas)
Software-as-a-svc (SaaS)
Transmission Control Protocal/ Internet Protocol
suite of comm protocols (rules/stds) used to connect computers to internet; built into ntwk op systems
hypertext markup lang
allows users to click on a word/phrase (hyperlink) on screens and have another doc automatically be displayed
allows hyperlinking across internet not just single computer
browser allows users to read html from computer (web)
extensible markup lang
developed as open std usable w/ many programs and platforms
-codes all info so user can determine how to present and what it is
-uses codes
uniform resource locator
website address
4 primary cloud svcs
Data-as-a-Svc (DaaS)
Infrastructure-as-a-svc (IaaS)
Platform-as-a-svc (Paas)
Software-as-a-svc (SaaS)
E business vs E commerce
E business- all methods of conducting business electronically
E comm- conduct of financial trans w/ outside parties electronically
-2 varieties (B2B and B2C)
business to business
speed up order and fulfillment process
further automated thru EDI, buyer’s purch auto places order w/ vendor when inventories reach predetermined level
-low purch costs (buy online save time, simplifies ordering process)
-increased mkt efficiency (access to price quotes from suppliers; buyers get better price)
-better mkt intelligence (better insights into demand levels in mkt)
-decreased inventory level (JIT mfg)
mostly online
many of same benefits of B2B wrt reduced costs and better efficiency
-same security issues (authorization)
Big Data
collection and analysis of large/complex data sets
-capturing, storing, analyzing, securing large amnts of data
electronic funds transfer
ecommerce app provided by fin institutions worldwide enables transfer of funds via access device (terminal-POS/ATM)
typical app is direct deposit
costs are lower than manual b/c docs and ppl eliminated; reduced clerical errors
most important- check collection (reduce paper checks)
2 major systems to wire
-Fedwire (Fed Reserve wire transfer ntwk)
-CHIPS (clearing house interbank pmt system)
EFT vs E Money
smart cards- computer chips not magnetized stripes; can store data & security programs, digital signature
disadvantage-not covered by insurance (FDIC) but EFT is covered
electronic data interchange- leading method of doing B2B e-commerce
communication of data inf format agreed to by parties
1st step in evol of e-business
-begins w/ mapping work process and flows to achieve business objectives; enhance JIT
Advantages of EDI
reduce clerical errors
faster transactions
eliminate repetitive clerical tasks (doc prep, processing, mailing)
digital record storage
Digital Certificates
data files created by trusted 3rd parties (certificate authorities)
if want to do ecommerce estab relationshp w/ certificate auth; verified ID
CA creates coded e-certificate contain holder’s name, public
key, serial #, exp date
party wants to do business w/ cert holder finds cert on authority’s serve uses authority’s public key to decrypt
sender gets key, encodes message and send, recipient decrypts w/ private key
specialized software
-to convert data must buy or develop
dedicated hardware
-must install servers or contract thru VAN
legal costs
-contracts must be renegotiated
process reengineering
-replacing existing procedures req changes to internal processes (cost of employee retraining)
enhanced security and
-risks of communicating across org boundaries
Terms and Components of EDI
stds- procedures to convert written doc into e docs messaging format
conventions-procedures for arranging data element in specified formats for
data dictionary-meaning of data elements, specification of each trans structure
-transmission protocol- rules to determine how e envelope structured and processed by comm devices
Encryption Tech
encodes data before transmission and recipient decodes it on their end, key needed to decode
when performed by physicall secure hdwr is more secure than from sfwr
increases overhead
Public Key
asymmetric encryption
comm parties create mathematical related pair of key; 1 key is public other is private
sending party uses public key
Symmetric encryption
parties agree on single (private) key
longer the key (in bits) more resistant to decryption by unauth parties
Digital Certificates
data files created by trusted 3rd parties (certificate authorities)
if want to do ecommerce estab relationshp w/ certificate auth; verified ID
CA creates coded e-certificate contain holder’s name, public
key, serial #, exp date
party wants to do business w/ cert holder finds cert on authority’s serve uses authority’s public key to decrypt