Study ten Flashcards
Define group insurance.
- provides coverage for a defined group or class of people, under a single policy.
Define group master contract.
- is the policy that an insurer issues to a group policyholder.
Define group policyholder.
- is the person or legal entity that makes the decision to obtain group ins, negotiates the terms of master contract with insurer and purchases coverage.
Define certificate of insurance.
- is a document issued to each group life insured or group person insured, that describes the coverage and explains the insureds rights under the contract.
Define qualifying period.
- aka probationary period
- is a certain period of continuous employment after which the employee is eligible to enroll in a group insurance plan.
- often 30-60 days
Define eligibility period.
- is the time during which a new employee may enroll in a contributory group insurance plan.
Define manual rating.
- is a pricing method in which an insurer uses rates that are based on its own experience rather than on that of the specific group for which it is calculating a premium.
Define experience rating.
- is a pricing method in whish the insurer factors a groups own loss and expense performance into the calulation of that groups premiums.
Define credibility rating.
- is an assessment of the degree which a groups claims experience is credible
- if they have high credibility rating, experience rating will be used
- if they have a lower credibility rating, a combo of experience and manual rating is used (blended rating)
Define blended rating.
- is a pricing method used wih mid-sized groups, that combines both manual and experience appraoches
- larger the group, the less manual rating involved
What type of group benefits are offered?
1) life insurance
2) weekly indemnity benefits
3) long term disability income
4) AD+D
5) extended health care
6) dental insurance
7) vision care coverage
8) employee assistance program
What are characteristics of group insurance plans?
1) same schedule of benefits applies to all eligible employees within a class
2) a minimum participattion level is required to establish a group plan
3) no medical evidence of individual insurability
- unless coverage amount exceeds the predetermined amount in the group plan
4) membe eligibility depends upon meeting certain requirements
5) the employer is responsible for remitting premiums to the insurer
6) group policies are almost always issued on a YRT basis
Explain what the coverage schedule entails.
Benefits depend on insurance class
- employees are divided into insurance classes based on their rate of pay or position within company
Group members cannot choose basic benefit amounts
- basic benefit levels are set out in group master contract
- protects insured from being selected against
Some plans include optional, or additional coverage
- allow group members to purchase additional coverage but must sibmit appropriate underwriting info
Explain the minimum participation requirements.
Minimum number to form a group
- law of large #’s requires that each group include enough members to ensure mortality and morbidity are reasonably predictable
- greater the enrolment, the greater spread of risk
- usually need at least 25 members
Minimum level of participation within a group
- must reach a certain % of eligible employees which musy be high enough to safeguard insurer from being selected against
- is a condition of group insurance policies
Contributory VS non-contributory
- contributory plans require minimum acceptable part. level is usually 85-90% for groups with 50 or less member, and 75% for large groups
- non-cont. plans usually require 100% member part.
What is a non-contributory plan?
- policyholder pays entire premium
- requires 100% part.