Study Questions Flashcards
What are the four classes of working pressure.
100, 150, 200, 250 psi
What year was the Safe Drinking Act established.
What are the four main steps to water life cycle.
Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensation and Groundwater (Collection).
What are the sources for water supply.
Groundwater and Surface Water.
What is turbidity.
The cloudy appearance of water caused by the presence of suspended and colloidal matter.
What is soft water.
Is surface water that is characterized by low calcium and magnesium.
What are the characteristics of groundwater.
High concentrations of dissolved solids, dissolved gases and high hardness.
What is head.
The vertical distance, height or energy of water above a reference point.
How is head measured.
Pressure and height.
Storage facilities for treated water at a water plant is called.
Clear wells
What are some examples of operational service storage tanks.
Pressure tanks, elevated tanks, ground-level tanks/reservoirs and underground facilities.
What does s distribution system consist of.
Pipes, valves, fire hydrants, service lines and pumping stations.
What are some water quality problems only groundwater would have.
Nitrates, sand, sulfide and corrosivity.
What are water quality problems only surface water would have.
Coliforms or microbial contamination, turbidity, odors and trihalomethanes.
What does MCL stand for.
Maximum contaminant level
What are macroscopic organisms.
Organisms big enough to be seen by the eye without an aid of a microscope such as worms, bugs or milky water due the air.
What is cross connection.
Is an unprotected connection between any part of the water system used or intended to be used to supply water for drinking water purposes.
What is backflow.
A reverse flow condition created by a difference in water pressures that causes water to flow back into the distribution pipes.
What is backsiphonage.
Is a form of backflow caused by a negative or below atmospheric pressure within a water supply piping
What is back pressure.
Is when the user’s water system is at a higher pressure than the public water supply.
What are the two greatest water quality nuisances.
Corrosion and precipitation of iron.
What are slimes.
They are organic substances of a visous nature formed from microbiological growth
What are biofilms.
They are the result of a complex interaction among microorganisms.
What are the six common types of storage facilities.
Clear well, elevated tank, standpipe, ground-level service reservoir, hydro-pneumatic, and surge tank.
How often should an elevated tank be inspected.
Internal inspection every 5 years and an external inspection every year.
What is the major difference between an elevated tank and a standpipe.
An elevated tank provides pressure whereas a standpipe provides volume.
What is the recommended water-to-air ratio for a hydro-pneumatic tank.
Two-thirds water to one-third air.
What is the most common consumer complaint regarding water quality.
Red water
What are some factors that may increase biofilm growth and increase corrosion.
Water temperature, flow, age of facilities, operating procedures and age of water in a specific point.
Primary contaminations are considered to be
Health hazards.
Secondary contaminations are considered to be
Non-health hazards
What is hydraulic transient.
It a temporary change in pressure or flow, also known as surge, shock or water hammer.
What determines the size of a hydraulic transient.
A change in flow velocity, the liquid density or the speed of sound in the pipe.
What are the two factors that determine the type of storage facility or tank a system needs.
The system’s individual needs and the type of terrain.
What is the purpose of a surge tank and where should it be located.
A surge tank controls problems with surge or water hammers and they should be located at the closest point to the activity that creates the water hammer.
What are the three types of tank inspections.
A visual inspection, a detailed inspection and an inspection with divers.
What are some factors that affect hydraulic grade line.
Fire, high demand, obstructions in the pipe such as throttle valves, and water hammers or thrust.
What are two problems exercising a valve can cause.
Water hammer and cavitation.
What is an altitude valve.
A valve that automatically shuts off the flow into an elevated tank when the water level in the tank reaches a predetermined level.
What are the different types of control systems used to monitor water levels in tank.
Electrodes, ultrasonic signal, pressure switches, and differential-pressure altitude valve.
What type of pump requires water on the impeller to operate.
Centrifugal pump
What factors of a microbiological type can cause water quality problems.
Loss of chlorine residual, growth of bacteria, dead rodents and/or debris.
What is the minimum gap for in an air gap.
What are the two types of cleaning methods for storage tanks.
Out-of-service or in-service.
Provide examples of substances in the water that influence rate of corrosion.
Dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide lowers pH, dissolved minerals such as salt and sulfatereducing bacteria.
What are some methods of controlling corrosion for a tank
Painting, metallic coating, nonmetallic coating, chemicals added in the treatment process and cathodic protection.
What is commonly used as a disinfectants for storage tanks.
Liquid chlorine, calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite.
What is available chlorine.
What are boosters pumps primary functions.
Booster pumps are used to increase the pressure in the mains on the discharge side of the main pumps or to supply water to an elevated storage tank.
What type of pump is a booster pump.
Centrifugal pump.
What is a regulator station’s main function.
Its main function is to reduce pressure and maintain an even acceptable pressure downstream from a high pressure system.
Where are gauges commonly found.
They’re usually found on the discharge side of a pump.
What is the purpose of a distribution system.
To provide sufficient pressure and deliver adequate water.
What is the maximum pressure in a system.
100 psi
What is the normal pressure for resident.
35-40 psi
What is absolute minimum pressure in a system.
20 psi.
What is C Factor.
A factor or value used to indicate the smoothness of the interior of a pipe.
What is friction loss.
The head or pressure lost by water flowing in a pipe as a result of turbulence or the roughness of the pipe.
What maximum velocity should a main flow.
2-4 ft/sec
What velocity should a main be flushed at.
2.5 ft/sec
Dead end mains exceeding a 1000ft should be constructed of what size pipe.
At least 6”.
Dead and mains exceeding 2000 ft in length should be constructed of what size pipe.
It should exceed 8”.
What is the maximum distance valves on water mains should be located.
What is the maximum distance fire hydrants should be located from the next hydrant.
No more than 500ft.
What are transmission main usually constructed of.
Concrete with steel cylinder because it is less expensive in larger sizes.
A distribution reservoirs are used primarily for.
To balance out fluctuations in demand that occur over short periods, to provide local storage in case of an emergency, and to control the pressure in the system.
What are the three types of water main system layouts.
Grid, loop and tree systems
What are the basic requirements for pipes in a water distribution system.
Adequate strength, durability, maximum corrosion resistance and no adverse effect on water quality.
What are some types of materials that are available to be used for water mains.
Ductile iron, steel, reinforced concrete , asbestos-cement and plastic.
What are service lines typically constructed of.
Copper, PVC, PE, and PB
What is galvanic corrosion.
When two different metals that are link together and corrode.
When using ductile iron pipe what types of joints are most commonly used.
Mechanical and push-on.
What is the minimum cover when laying water mains.
30” from grade
What is the Centerline of a pipe called.
What is the minimum depth of the rock bed under a newly laid water main.
What type of pipe is especially susceptible to corrosion and requires more protection than other types.
Steel pipe
What is the minimum distance between water and sewer laterals when installed horizontally.
What is the minimum distance between a water and sewer laterals when installed vertically.
What is the best way to check if metal pipe has been damaged.
Gently tap the pipe with hammer listening for a ring or a hum.
What is the maximum days plastic pipe can be stored unprotected in the sun.
30 days
When digging a trench spoils should be placed how far from the edge of the of the hole if it is 5ft and deeper.
Spoils need to 4ft or more from the edge of the hole.
When digging a trench if a trench is 5 ft or less how far does the spoils have to be from the edge of the hole.
The spoils have to be 2’ from the edge of the hole.
When a trench is 4ft deep it needs ladders how far apart.
Every 25’
Shoring depends on many factors name some of those factors.
The depth of the trench, the width of the trench, type of soil and nearby activities that cause vibration.
What does OSHA stand for.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What year was OSHA enacted.
What is a competent person.
A person capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary hazardous or dangerous to an employee.
What are the six types of shoring.
Hydraulic shores, screw jacks, air shores, solid sheeting, cylinder shoring and shield shoring
When laying pipe out for installation it is called what.
What types of fittings should have restraints or thrust blocks.
Tees, bends, caps, plugs, hydrants or other fittings that change the direction of flow.
What is the first layer of backfill above the bedding called.
What is the horizontal centerline of a pipe called.
What are the four stages of backfilling.
Bedding, haunching, initial backfill and final backfill
When preparing for a pressure test how long should a pipe sit full of water before starting the test.
24 hours
What pressure should the pipe be at for a pressure test.
50% higher than the normal expected operating pressure or 150 psi
How long should the pressure test be conducted.
4 hours
A leak test on asbestos-cement and ductile iron pipe are reported in.
Gallons lost per day per mile
A leak test on plastic pipe is reported in.
Gallons per hour for each 100 joints of pipe.
What are some types of rotary valves.
Ball valve, butterfly valve, plug valve, and diaphragm valve
How does a linear stroke valve close.
Up and down
What are two examples of a linear stroke valve.
Globe valve and gate valve
What are four main parts to a hydrant.
Main valve, the barrel, the inlet pipe, and the head
What are the two different types of hydrants.
Dry-barrel and wet-barrel
Name three types of meters.
Displacement meters, velocity meters and combination meters.
Small meters are what type of meter.
Positive displacement
Large meters are what type of meter.
Velocity meter
What are two types of displacement meters.
Nutating-disc and piston
What’s another name for a velocity meter.
A current meter
What are some types of velocity meters.
Turbine meter, propeller meter and Venturi
What are the three types of backflow devices that are approved for use at service connections.
Air gap, RP and double check
What is the minimum distance from grade to the bottom of a backflow device.
What are the three reasons distribution system should be under surveillance.
To detect and correct any problems that are sanitary hazards, any significant deterioration of the facilities and encroachment of other utilities.
What are the three rules that federal and state regulations require monitoring water quality in a system.
Total Coliform Rule, Lead and Copper Rule and Trihalomethane Rule.
What is the lowest residual acceptable in a distribution system.
0.2 mg/L
Routine non-source sampling performed by utilities includes test for.
Bacteriological samples, turbidity, total trihalomethanes, chlorine residual, taste, odor and color, and Lead and Copper Rule.
What are the two monitoring periods for lead and copper sampling.
January to June and July to December
What types of Maintenance should be carried out in a distribution system.
Repairing leaks and breaks, flushing, cleaning, disinfecting and relining.
What are some factors that cause loss of capacity for water in a distribution system.
Corrosion, pitting, tuberculation, deposit of sentiment and slime growth.
What are some benefits in conducting a water audit.
Reduce water losses, Financial Improvement, increased knowledge of distribution system, reduce property damage, improved public relations and reduced legal liability.
What is the most common method for making a service connection on main line?
Hot Tap
What are hydraulic gradient testing used for?
To determine the ability of the distribution system to maintain adequate pressures throughout the system.
When conducting unidirectional flushing what is the rate of flow?
At least 5fps
When swabbing or pigging a line water main what rate of speed should be used.
2-4 feet per second
What are some methods of thawing water lines.
Hot water thawing, steam thawing, electrical thawing and flushing.
What are two problems that can be caused by operating a valves.
Cavitation and water hammers
How often should a hydrant be inspected and maintenance be provided.
Twice a year
How often should small meters be tested.
Every 5 to 10 years
How often should large meters be tested.
Every 1 to 4 years
What are three types of water meter registers.
Round-reading register, straight reading register, and digital register.
What is the most common inhibitors used in water treatment for corrosion control.
Orthophosphates is primarily used for what.
To control lead
What are the three most common chemical forms of chlorine used for disinfecting.
Liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite
When combining chlorine and ammonia what does it create.
Sodium hypochlorite
When using chlorine gas to disinfect storage facilities, what is the required retention period.
Not less than 6 hours.
When using sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite what is the minimum retention.
24-hours is required
What does SCADA stand for.
Supervisory control and data acquisition
Why should pump alignment be checked periodically.
To guard against premature bearing and coupling wear.
Define disinfection.
Disinfection is a process designed to kill or inactivate most microorganisms in the water.
What is sterilization.
Sterilization is the complete destruction of all organisms.
What does TCR stand for.
Total Coliform Rule
What are some factors that influence success in a disinfection program.
pH, the temperature of water, turbidity, reducing agents, and microorganisms.
What are trihalomethanes (THMs)
It’s the undesirable compounds formed bythe reactions between chlorine and certain organics.
What are some methods for removing, killing or inactivating pathogenic microorganisms.
Coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection.
What is the most commonly used disinfectant in a distribution system.
Free chlorine.
In controlling biofilms ________________ is more effective than free chlorine.
When undergoing dialysis treatment what must be removed from the water before usage.
What are some types of physical means of disinfection
Ultraviolet Rays, Heat and Ultrasonic Waves
What color is chlorine gas.
Greenish yellow.
How heavy is gas compared to air.
Two and a half times heavier
What is the form calcium hypochlorite that is most frequently used to disinfect water.
HTH - high test hypochlorite
What does adding chlorine to water that contains ammonia create.
What must be present to produce the breakpoint chlorination curve
What does AOB stand for
Ammonia oxidizing bacteria
What does NOB stand for.
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
What are the methods for producing chloramines.
Preammoniation followed by later chlorination,
Concurrent addition of chlorine and ammonia, and prechlorination/postammoniation
What disinfectant should not be used in solvent-welded plastic or screwed-joint steel pipe.
HTH powder
What lowers the pH in water.
Chlorine gas
What raises the pH in water.
What is a rotameter.
A device used to measure the flow rate of gases and liquids.
What is reliquefaction.
The return of a gas to the liquid state.
What does IDLH stand for.
Immediately dangerous to life or health.
What psi should a chlorine cylinder be tested at.
800 psi every 5 years
What is the maximum rate of chlorine removal from a 150-pound cylinder.
Is 40 pounds of chlorine per day.
What should you do before starting or stopping any chlorination system.
You should read the manufacturers literature or your plant’s operation and maintenance instructions.
What should you never put on a chlorine leak.
How often should chlorine residuals be measured from treated water leaving the plant.
At least 3 times per day on small systems and once every 2 hours on large systems
What are the most common methods of measuring chlorine residual.
Amperometric titration and DPD test.
What does SCBA stand for.
Self-contained breathing apparatus.
What is a limitation of pre chlorination.
It may increase the formation of THMs in raw water
What are some principal reasons for unsafe acts.
Ignorance, indifference, poor work habits, laziness, haste, poor physical condition and poor attitude.
What are two reasons for safety control around Wells is important.
- Safety control around well sites is necessary to prevent contamination or pollution of the well.
- Safe housekeeping of well sites will help prevent accidents of operators and employees.
What is the distance that is required between sewer and a well.
No sewer should be permitted within 50 ft of any well
What distance should portable eye/ face wash units be placed where acid is present.
Within 20ft.
Rotating, reciprocating and transverse motions create hazards in two areas, what are those two areas.
The point of operation and the point where power or motion is being transmitted.
What does TTC.
Temporary traffic control
What does MUTCD stand for.
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
What does perception distance, reaction distance and braking distance equal.
Total Stopping Distance
What are the four areas TTC zones are divided into.
Advanced warning area, transition area, activity area, and termination area.
What are some general types of tapers in TTC zone.
Merging taper, shifting taper, shoulder taper, one lane and two-way taper, downstream taper.
What does PCMSs stand for.
Portable Changeable Message Signs
What are the components of a PCMS.
Message sign, control system, power source and mounting & transporting equipment.
A trench is.
An excavation in which the average depth exceeds the width; that width is 15 feet or less at the bottom
What is the height of a ladder must extend above the surface of an excavation.
What are the basic functions of a utility manager.
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling
What is the number of employees a supervisor should ideally manage.
6 to 7 employees
When should a storage facility be disinfected?
New and existing facilities should be disinfected when repaired, cleaned, painted, or cathodic protection has been installed.
What are the guidelines for hiring a commercial diver for interior tank inspection and cleaning.
Only use divers who have completed a commercial training program provided by the Association of Commercial Diving Educators
What is corrective maintenance.
The repair or adjustment of equipment and facilities that is necessary when a problem already exists.
Where should all storage facilities be located.
Above drainage areas and locations subject to flooding.
What is preventive maintenance.
The repair or adjustment of equipment and facilities that is done before deterioration takes place.
What is electromotive force.
The electrical pressure available to cause a flow of current when an electric current is closed.
When pumps are running at full capacity what significant danger exist.
Backsiphonage into the water supply.
How long should a tank stand unused before filling after it has been sprayed with hypochlorite solution.
For at least 30 minutes.
What does out-of-service tank cleaning consist of.
Draining, washing, and disinfecting the tank before returning it to service.
What are clear wells used for.
To store filtered water from a treatment plant.
What are some questions that must be asked to determine a suitable type of storage facility.
What is the maximum day use, what is the maximum hour use, what type of pressure will be required, what size of facility will be required for emergencies, and what is the minimum day use.
What are standpipes usually constructed from.
Steel and concrete
Which factors influence the selection of a type of storage facility or tank.
The system’s individual needs and a type of terrain.
Which factors affect longevity of a storage facility coating.
Quality workmanship, proper surface preparation, adequate drawing an aging, proper maintenance through periodic inspection and good durable paint.
Which types of inspections should be made of the tank’s interior coating.
Visual inspection of the roof hatch, detailed inspection after draining and washing of a tank, detail inspection using divers or video cameras, and detail inspection after cleaning a tank with vacuum like device.
Which additives should you avoid in paints and coatings for water storage tanks.
Lead, iron oxide, PCBs, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene.
Which substances in water can influence the rate of corrosion in a tank.
Carbon dioxide, sulfate reducing bacteria, and dissolved oxygen
When disinfecting a water storage tank by filling the tank with water with an effective chlorine concentration what is the desired chlorine residual.
What can cause a centrifugal pump to not deliver water.
Speed is too slow, suction lift is too high and rotation is in the wrong direction
What are the major causes of underground construction deaths.
Lack of shoring or shoring failure.
What is the main application of a gate valve in a water distribution system.
To isolate sections of a main to permit emergency repairs in the.
How is the outside of steel pipe usually protected if it is exposed above ground.
By paint
Why should a check valve be provided on the discharge side charge of each pump.
To prevent backflow
What problem can occur when air pockets form in pipelines.
It can increase resistance to the flow or complete stoppages of the water flow.
Where are reduced pressure devices installed in the water distribution system.
At services where dangerous materials are present or where backflow situation is likely
What type of water meter is best when water flow fluctuates widely.
Compound meter
What is the purpose of backflow prevention valves in a water distribution system.
To stop the flow of an unimproved and possibly contaminated supply into the domestic water system.
What safety precautions must be taken by operators during the installation of pipe.
Barricades should be put up around work area, all operators must wear gloves, hard hats, and steel toe boots, and easily visible construction signs, guards, lighting and flaggers.
How can air get into the water in a distribution system.
Through packing glands, pumps, and leaking joints.
Which types of Wastewater facilities are often subject to local and State Health Department guidelines on minimum separation distance from water main.
Sanitary sewer lines, cesspools, septic tanks, wastewater leach fields, and seepage pits.
What are some types of threats that can be kept out of a covered reservoir by covering vents, drains, and overflow outlets.
Small animals, snakes, and insects
Why must pipe protection be provided.
To control corrosion, to prevent leakage, rupture, and collapse of the pipe
What considerations are important when selecting pipe for a specific installation.
Cost of the installation and pipe, water pressures and external pressures the pipe needs to withstand, and corrosive conditions of the soil and water.
What could be the source of supply for a water distribution systems.
A well, treatment plant clear well, or purchased water connections.
What are some disadvantages of concrete pipe.
Concrete pipe is heavy, may be hard to tap, may deteriorate in aggressive soils and needs special fittings
What should be considered when selecting water pipe.
availability of spare parts, ability to meet required capacity with minimum head loss, durability, ability to accurately measure flow levels, and ease of repair
What are some topics typically included in shoring regulations.
Access to construction area, soil conditions/ trench location, sloping excavation walls, operator safety, and pedestrian safety
What are some limitations of a compound meter.
Large and cumbersome, expensive, accuracy drops during changeover, and head loss from friction in higher flows.
What are some strategic points in the distribution system water meters are located.
Pumping stations, connections to other Utility Systems, customer services points, and main supply lines.
What are some purposes of valves in a water distribution system
Prevent backflow, provide air release/ vacuum relief, reduce pressure, regulator flow, and and to blow off or drain water mains.
What are some examples of environmentally friendly landscaping.
Avoiding unnecessary water consumption, recycling trimmings, and limiting chemical use.
When performing electrical thawing a frozen water services what should you do.
You should clean the service pipe at the point where the thawing power is going to be connected because poor connection may cause arcing.
What is a vulnerability assessment of a water distribution system.
A determination of where the weaknesses are if the disaster being considered occurred.
Where should samples be drawn from for the best and truest evaluation of water quality.
Directly from the main especially design sampling station.
What is the best way to prevent backflow.
To permanently eliminate the hazard that causes it.
Why should vacuum relief valves, air release valves and blow offs be inspected after rains or floods.
To ensure they are not submerged and drainage waters.
How can you protect yourself from electric shock when working on a water meter in the field.
Install an electrical jumper around the meter.
What repair job is most often performed on a fire hydrants.
Replacing main valves
Why can electrical sign of frozen pipes be dangerous.
It can potentially damage household electrical wiring.
What factors must an operator consider when deciding the most suitable method of chlorination.
Training status of the operators who will disinfectant, availability of materials, and equipment and safety
What rules under federal and state regulations require water quality monitoring in water Distribution Systems.
Total Coliform Rule, Lead and Copper Rule, and Trihalomethane Rule
What are the primary responsibilities of a water utility during a disaster.
Provide water for firefighting, drinking, and sanitation, restore the integrity of the water system as soon as possible, and prevent the unnecessary loss of store water
What tasks are a part of pump inspection and preventive maintenance procedures
Observe and record pump pressures, provide grease and lubrication, check pump alignment, tighten packing glands, and regularly check for excessive noise & vibration, heat, and odor.
What routine operating procedures should be documented for distribution system.
Disinfecting, inspecting, monitoring, locating underground facilities, and repairing
What are some industries that use chemicals that may enter the public water distribution system through cross connection.
Agricultural, plating plants, dye plants, steam boiler plants, and cooling systems
What are some benefits that can result from a water audit.
Reduce legal liability, improved public relations, Financial Improvement, reduced water losses, and reduced property damage.
What can achieve the same results for disinfecting as chlorine gas.
Does water at higher temperatures require longer contact time for disinfecting.
What are two things that can be resistant to certain types of disinfecting.
Cysts and viruses
Does the US Environmental Protection Agency set federal drinking water regulations that all state and local agencies must enforce.
When a chlorine leak occurs what should be done with a ventilated air containing the chlorine.
The ventilated air should be routed to a treatment system
What is the term for the amount of chlorine added to water to disinfect it.
Chlorine dose
Why should every water utility agency have an ongoing chlorine safety training program for operators.
To introduce new operators to the program and update previously trained operators
What is the major limitation of using chloramine residuals for disinfection.
Chloramines are less effective as disinfectant than free chlorine residuals.
What problems will occur if the chlorine injection point is located on the intake side of a pump.
Corrosion problems
What is a hypochlorinator.
Equipment that feeds liquid chlorine solutions
How are chloramines produced.
Concurrent addition to chlorine and ammonia, preammoniation followed by chlorination, and prechlornation with postammoniation
What kinds of safety equipment required periodic hands-on training.
Atmospheric monitoring devices, chlorine Leak Detection equipment, and self contained breathing apparatus
Name some examples of inorganic reducing agents that, if present in water, will react with chlorine.
Ferrous ion, hydrogen sulfide, maganous ion, and nitrite ion
Which factors influence nitrification process in water.
Chloramine concentration, detention time in the reservoir, excess ammonia, and water temperature
What are some daily routine observation and preventive maintenance tasks should be performed in normal operation of a chlorinator.
Calculate the chlorine usage, check the chlorine residual, inspect artillery equipment, and record the rotameter reading and time.
What are some types of water-borne biological life-forms that may be pathogenic or disease-causing organisms.
Bacteria, internal parasites and viruses.
What should be checked when troubleshooting a hypochlorinator pump that is not operating.
Check for stoppages in the flow lines, check the circuit breaker, and check electrical connections
Name some parts of a chlorinator.
Check valve assembly, diaphragm assembly, interconnection manifold, rate valve, and the ejector
What type of training should each person whose actions affect temporary traffic control have.
Training appropriate to the job decisions each individual is required to make.
What is the purpose of the termination area in a temporary control zone.
To return road users to their normal path.
Where does a temporary traffic control zone extend from.
It extends from first warning sign or high-intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobing lights on the vehicle to the last TTC device
And what situation may vertical panels be used in TTC zones to channelize vehicular traffic, divided imposing lanes, or place barricades
Where space is limited
What safety precaution should be observed to prevent acid from splashing when adding acid to water.
Acid should always be added slowly to water.
What is the purpose of flagging procedures.
To provide positive guidance to motorists driving through the work area.
What type of accident causes approximately 25% of all accidents according to Industrial accident reports
Slips and falls
What type of buffer space may be placed in advance of a workspace in a temporary traffic control zone.
Why might a well casing and well require an acid treatment.
To loosen encrustations
How can speed of traffic be reduced in high-traffic, high Hazard areas.
Use a regulatory speed zoning, use flaggers in low speed areas only, used lane reduction, and use police presence.
What parts of a mechanical safety inspection is performed on vehicles and towing equipment before leaving a yard.
Mirrors/windows, lighting system, trailer hitch and tongue, tire tread/inflation, and brakes.
What is the total stopping distance.
Reaction distance + perception distance + braking distance
What parts on a moving pump require safety guards.
Rotating members, meshing gears, and reciprocating arms
What type of task do water distribution operators work in traffic.
Completing pipeline rehabilitation, making repairs, and performing inspections.
What items should be included on a safety inspection report form.
Ladders/stairs, material storage, fire hazard, housekeeping, and lighting
What are the spaces Within an activity area of TTC Zone.
Buffer space, traffic space, and workspace.
What are some common forms of stored energy in a water distribution system equipment.
Hydraulic pressure, energy stored in a spring, compressed gases, and electrical energy
What are some common dangerous gases an operator make encounter in a water supply system.
Methane, carbon monoxide, gasoline vapor, hydrogen sulfide, and chlorine
What purpose are boats commonly used for in the operation of water utility.
Sampling, surveying, and reservoir inspections
What is the purpose of a safety data sheet (SDS).
To provide comprehensive information about a substance or mixture for you in workplace chemical management.
What is the first step in organizing an effective public relations campaign
Establish objectives
Who is responsible for keeping contaminants out of the potable water system on the user’s premises.
Water users
Under the basic functions of management what does organizing mean.
Organizing means the manager decides who does what work and delegates authority to the appropriate operator.
What does the operating ratio of a water distribution system agency measure.
Total revenues divided by the total operating expenses.
What is the goal of managing maintenance.
To minimize investments of labor, materials, money, and equipment.
What is human factors engineering.
The specialized study of Technology relating to the design of operator machine interfaces.
What types of potential emergencies should utilities plan for.
Civil disorder, employee strikes, vandalism, terrorist, and toxic spills
What federal regulations influence Personnel Administration.
Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Family and Medical Leave Act.
What are some areas in a watershed that could be contaminated with high concentrations of Cryptosporidium oocysts.
Wastewater treatment plants, pastures with livestock, and cattle feedlots
What are the functions of water distribution system manager.
Organizing, planning, directing, controlling, and staffing.
What characterizes a distribution agency taking a corrective maintenance approach method.
Poor use of resources, inability to budget adequately, inability to plan, and high incidence of equipment in system failure.
Why are water storage facility inspections a part of preventive maintenance program.
To determine the structural conditions, identify any sanitary defects, to determine the need for cleaning, to identify water quality issues and to determine the effectiveness of the program.
What are the steps to return a tank with negative bacteriological results to service
Empty tank of chlorinated water, discharge chlorinated water to storm drainage, open Outlet valve, verify inlet valve is open for filling, and as needed remove interim method of water.