Study Questions Flashcards
What relays information to the central nervous system about changes in the body and limb’s positions due to muscular motions
What is the function of calcium in the muscle stimulation process?
Binds with troponin to open up binding sites
Which part of the muscle fiber senses changes in the tension of the muscle?
Golgi tendon organs
What type of tissue has a form called serous which is fluid like?
What is the term for oxygen uptake that is maintained to restore the body to pre exercise condition
Oxygen debt
What risk factor for coronary artery disease results in vascular injury and increased vascular wall stress?
Which condition below can lead to problems in a flexibility training program?
Hyperlaxity: move joints beyond normal ROM
What is the term for muscle loss up to 1 pound a year after age 50?
The spinal twist is a contraindicated exercise for which type of spinal injury?
Disc injury: the lumbar rotation is a movement contraindication
Upon approaching a client who is unconscious and non responsive what should you check and in what order?
Airway, breathing, circulation
Weight/ (height x height) x 703
What is a normal VO2 max for average females and males?
33.8 - 35.2 female, 41 - 42.5males
How long of a time frame for someone to stop cigarette smoking until it is not a positive risk factor?
Six months
Blood pressure greater than what for a positive risk factor for coronary disease?
140mm Hg
Your client is on anti hypertensive medication.
Positive risk factor
Upper limit of Impaired Fasting Glucose levels? (IFG)
Greater than 100mg /dl
On 2 hour test 140mg/dl
How many occasions do you need to get a reliable measurements for IFG?
Systolic blood pressure of 120-139 is in what category?
Systolic blood pressure of >160 is in what category?
Stage 2 hypertension
140-159 Systolic blood pressure is in what category?
Stage 1 hypertension
Range of average resting heart rate for men and women?
Higher resting heart rate is healthier?
No, lower is healthier
On the squat, lowering the bar and greater toward trunk stress what muscles more?
More stress on hip extensor sand plantarflexors. Less stress on knee extensors
What is behavior that is engaged in for sense of enjoyment derived from it?
Intrinsically motivation
What behavior is is engaged in to achieve another goal or outcome?
Extrinsically motivation
What is the initial interview for?
Asses compatibility, develop goals and establish a client trainer agreement.
First step in determining trainer client compatibility?
Personal trainer provides a detailed description of services available.
Most important rule of race walking?
One foot to be in contact with the ground at all times.
Nine reasons to stop training and seek medical advice for pregnant clients.
Any bloody discharge from vagina
Dyspnea before exertion
Headaches or unexplained dizzy
Chest pain
Muscle weakness
Calf pain or swelling
Preterm labor
Decreased fetal movement
Amniotic fluid leakage
Percentage of propulsion force from arm stroke in swimming?
What is the sagittal plane?
A vertical plane which passes from anterior to posterior, dividing the body into right and left halves
What is frontal plane?
A vertical plane that cuts the body into ventral and dorsal (belly and back) sections.
What is the transverse plane?
A plane that cuts the body into lower and upper portions.
Moving the upper arm towards the head (shoulder movement) is what type of joint movement?
Shoulder joint Abduction
Shoulder movement were the arm moves toward the head in the sagittal plane (front of body)?
Shoulder joint flexion
What plane and joint movement does the hip go through in a leg raise?
Goes through sagittal plane and is hip flexion
What hip movement happens when the hip joint moves toward the back of the body?
Hip extension (exercise is back squat)
Name the four muscles of the hamstring?
semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris short and long head