Study guide unit 2 soils Flashcards
What can you do to protect soil from water erosion with vegetation?
cover crops, strip cropping, crop rotation, vegetative control
What can you do to protect soil from water erosion with mechanical means?
Conservation tillage, terraces, contour farming
Role of organic matter in soil
Affects soil structure, returns plant nutrients, helps store moisture, makes it tillable, and provides energy for plants and microorganisms
Functions of soil
Habitat, medium for plants, global carbon cycle, nutrients, temperature, gases, water, engineering material
Plants’ basic needs
Nutrients, water, oxygen, acreage (stability)
Components of soil
25% Water, 25% air, 45% mineral, 5% organic matter
Soil profile horizons
Humus, topsoil, subsoil, parent material, bedrcok
Soil change processes
Additions, losses, transformations, translocations
Agents of deposition
Residual (stays still), alluvial (rivers), marine (ocean), loess (wind), lacustrine (lakes), glacial (glaciers), organic (plants)
Types of weathering
Wind & water
4 Physical properties of soil
Texture, structure, porosity and permeability, and color
Electrical conductivity, a measure of salt in the soil
Soil organic matter
Macronutrients for plants
Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen (from the atmosphere), nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur(from soil)
Micronutrients for plants
Boron, copper, chlorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, zinc