Study Guide Unit 10 Flashcards
What is the evidence that Stephen is full of wisdom?
Acts 6:10
What is the evidence that Stephen is full of the Holy Spirit?
Acts 6:7
When Stephen spoke of the gospel, God…
Spoke through Stephen with great wisdom and boldness
When the apostles prayed and laid their hands on Stephen, God answered their prayers by…
Allowing the Gospel to spread
When Stephen stood before the Sanhedrin, God…
Gave him the boldness and faith to speak the gospel
Who was killed by Nero and was crucified upside down?
Who was killed in Edessa and was crucified?
Who was killed in India and was beaten and then crucified?
Who was killed in India and was thrusters with a spear?
Who was killed in Britain and was crucified?
Who died by natural causes?
Who was killed along side Simeon who accused him and was beheaded?
James the Great
Who was killed in Phrygia and was thrown in prison and later crucified?
Who was killed in Ethiopia and was slain with a big axe?
Who was killed in Edessa and was crucified?