Study Guide Site Flashcards
What is the DDL class in Magento?
The only DDL class in Magento is Varien_Db_Ddl_Table
Which block is responsible for rendering javascript in Magento?
Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head addJs(), addJsIe(), addItem(), getCssJsHtml()
Which product types exist in Magento?
Magento has 6 standard product types, Configurable Simple Grouped Bundle Virtual Downloadable
Which product types are implemented as part of the Mage_Catalog module, and which are not?
Mage_Catalog - simple, grouped, configurable, virtual
Mage_Bundle - bundle
Mage_Downloadable - downloadable
Which classes and files should be checked if a link to a custom javascript file isn’t being rendered on a page?
Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head addJs(), addJsIe(), addItem(), getCssJsHtml()
Which product types implement a parent-child relationship between product entities?
configurable, bundle and grouped
Which database tables are shared between product types, and which ones are specific to one product type?
Specific to one product type:
configurable - catalog_product_super_link:table
For configurable, grouped and bundle - catalog_product_relation table
What steps need to be taken in order to implement a custom product type?
Add product types config entry
How do the different product types handle price calculation?
Which indexing processes does the product type influence?
Product Price
Which product types implement a parent-child relationship between product entities?
configurable product type - configurable(parent) - simple(child)
may be grouped and bundle as well
prepareForCartAdvanced() - initialize product for add to cart process..
calls to prepareProduct() - process product and prepare options
calls to prepareOptions() - Process custom defined options
What are total models responsible for in Magento?
quote, invoice, creditmemo discount - grand total - shipping - subtotal - tax - nominal - custbalance - freeshipping
How and when is the include path set up and the auto loader registered?
in Mage.php (Varien_Autoload::register();)
How and when does Magento load the base configuration, the module configuration, and the database configuration?
Using class Mage_Core_Model_Config:
Magento calls loadBase() to load config file
Next, calls Method: loadModules() to load modules,
then calls loadDb(() to load the database configuration
How does Magento process requests that cannot be mapped?
It will send user to a 4 O 4 page using cms/index/noRoute
After a matching action controller is found, what steps occur before the action method is executed?
The controller class is instantiated Then sets module name, controller name, action name, controller module name & parameters. Then calls: setDispatched(true); Then dispatch($action) to dispatch the request
What is the difference regarding module loading between Mage::run() and Mage::app()?
Mage::app() :: initializes the application object with all variables and objects which are required to access magento Mage::run() :: is the Frontend entry point which means it loads the configuration files, module configuration, load Database and handles request processing.
What is the difference regarding module loading between Mage::run() and Mage::app()?
Mage::app() - Initialize application without request processing.
Mage::run() - Run application. Run process responsible for request processing and sending response.