Study Guide for Exam Flashcards
What political party was Jackson a part of?
The Democratic Party.
Who did the Democratic party feel should lead the government?
The common man.
What happened in the election of 1824?
Although Jackson got the popular vote in a 5 way race, he did not get the majority of electoral votes. Which means the Houseof Representatives decided who becames president. Adams won but Jackson swore on revenge in thenext election.
What was the Spoils System?
The Spoils System was when Andrew Jackson replaced republican civil servants with those who followed him or friends.
Did Jackson replace innocent in The Spoils System?
Most of those who Jackson reokaced deserved it. Some had committed a crime of some sort or an action that deserved consequences.
What happened in the election of 1828?
Jackson and his supporters came back harder than ever throwing rallies, parades and picnics in hope of gaining more followers. Jackson won the election.
What is a tariff?
A tariff was a tax put on imported goods.
How did Jackson feel about the rise in tariffs?
Jackson originally understood Southerners concern about the raise in tariffs and lowered it, when the complaining continued Jackson responded with threatening, Southerners backed down, traiffs lowered one last time.
How did John C. Calhoun feel about the rise in tariffs?
John C. Calhoun felt the new tariffs were illegal and not to be honored.
Who was happy/unhappy about the new tariffs?
Northerners were happy that their manufacturing sales were being boosted.
Southerners wanted the cheapest good and the rise in tariffs just raised prices.
What did Jackson feel about the Bank of the US?
Jackson felt that it benefited rich eastern depositers at the expense of farmers, workers and small banks.
What did Henry Clay think about the Bank of the US?
Henry Clay liked the Bank of the US because it benefited the rich buisnessmen and not commoners.
Supreme court’s opinion on the Bank of the US?
Supreme Court supported the Bank of the US.
What was the Trail of Tears?
The Trail of Tears was the route the Indians took towards the east as a result of the Indian Removal Policy. Many died on the long, cold journey thus earning the name.
Who created the Indian Removal Act? What is the Indian Removal Act?
Congress created the Indian Removal act urged on by Jackson. This act states that the president couuld negotiate treaties with Indian tribes to move them west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their homelands.
Who created the Indian Removal Act? What is the Indian Removal Act?
Congress created the Indian Removal act urged on by Jackson. This act states that the president couuld negotiate treaties with Indian tribes to move them west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their homelands.
How did the Indians react to the Indian Removal Act?
The Indians refused to move their land. Took the case to the Supreme Court.
What was Supreme court’s ruling and Jackson’s response?
Supreme court ruled in favor of the Indians not being forced to move their land but Andrew disobeyed and responded to the Indians with military force.
Who were the “Five Civilized Tribes”?
The Five Civilized tribes were Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole.
How did the “Five Civilized Tribes” earn that name?
The tribes earned the name by learning white ways in order to win acceptance from the Americans.