Study Guide For Earth Moon And Sun Test Flashcards
Describe what happens during a lunar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind Earth, into it’s shadow and can only happen when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned
What phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse occur during?
Full Moon
What shadow causes a lunar eclipse?
Describe what happens during a solar eclipse
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves in front of the sun and gets dimmer and dimmer outside when more and more of the moon covers the sun
What phase of the moon does a solar eclipse during?
New Moon
What shadow causes a solar eclipse?
Fully shaded inner region of a shadow; darkness; dark central part of a sunspot
Partially shaded outer region of a shadow; less dark part of a sunspot
What shape are the orbits of planets?
What is the most common theory of how the solar system formed?
Big Bang- (nebular)
Revolution is the movement of one object around the center of another object; Movement of the Earth around the Sun
What type of galaxy is our galaxy?
Spiral Galaxy
Gravitation pull of galaxies
Closer the objects are, the stronger the gravitational pull is
Order of the planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto
Position of the moon for each phase
Full moon happens when the moon is on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun
Description of moon phases
Waning Gibbous happens between Full Moon and Third Quarter phases.
Waxing and waning
Waxing means increasing and Waning means decreasing
Moons rotation
The Moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It takes 27 days for the moon to rotate one time on its axis
Moon revolution
Moon completes one revolution around Earth in about 27.32 days
Why do we see the same surface of the moon?
Because the moon rotates around the Earth, at the same speed as it rotates around it’s axis
Direct and indirect sunlight and seasons
When the Northern Hemisphere of Earth leans away from the Sun, it gets more indirect sunlight. The tilt of the Earth affects the length of the days and also the amount of direct sunlight given during seasons
Length of rotation
Earth rotates every 24 hours
Length of revolution
Takes 135 1/4 days to complete one revolution
Cause of seasons
Tilt of the Earth’s axis
Tilt of earth on axis
23.5 degrees
When the Sun reaches it’s highest or lowest point in the sky
When the sun crosses the equator, day and night are equal length
Seasons in hemispheres
Seasons in Northern Hemisphere are opposite from the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere