Study Guide for 150 hour class homeopathy Flashcards
Underlining a case
3 lines - symptoms that come up spontaneously
2 lines - symptom that is spontaneous but less clear and intense
1 line - symptom that is elicited by questioning
When evaluating a case look for symptoms that are…
Strange, rare and peculiar - not common
Look for what is UNIQUE
What are common symptoms?
they lead a homeopath to determining a diagnosis
are distinguishable from SRP symptoms and are less important.
What is a Polycrest
it is a remedy with well proven symptoms, on the whole body. A remedy that is commonly indicated and well prescribed in clinical practice.
Clinical homeopathy vs Constitutional Homeopathy
BOTH: focuses on symptoms not diagnosis
Pace of healing depends on the vital force
If the potency is not correct the risk of aggravation is greater
Uses clinical dx and case analysis
CLINICAL: A case can be taken in 15-30 mins
Uses lower potencies (6c, 12c, 30c, 200c)
Uses totality of symptoms but not always on all levels
Follow ups are needed, 24 hours
CONSTITIUTIONAL: Focuses on totality of symptoms on all levels.
Uses all ranges of potencies
An initial interview can take 90-120 mins
Follow up needed, every 6 weeks
National certification needed.
Isos=Same, Homios=Similar
The remedies are made from the same substance that caused the disease.
There have not been PROVINGS done with Isopathy
Generally not curative
Potency and Dilution Factors
X=D(ecimal)=1/10 1 part MT, 9 parts water/alcohol, succuss 1X
C(entesimal) 1/100 1 part MT, 99 parts water/alcohol, succuss 1C
(1c/99 parts water/alcohol, succuss=2C
M 1/1000
LM=Q 1/50000
Homeopathy has an extended shelf life
No expiration date as long as remedies are kept free of moisture, strong odors/substances, magnetic fields and direct sunlight
Agrovados number
is the point a dilution loses its original substance. 12C=24X(10^24) 10 to the 24th power
Law of Infinitesimals (6.023x10^23)
Constatine Herring
is the father of Homeopathy in America
Samuel Hahnemann
founder of Homeopathy
Herrings LAW OF CURE
Symptoms disappear in the order they appeared. Symptoms move from more vital organs to less vital organs. Interior body to exterior. Top of body down.
All cure starts from within and from the head down and reverse order from which symptoms appear. If symptoms goes in Reverse Order indicates and Incurable Patient.
Center of Gravity of a case
focuses on the physical, mental, emotional levels
MRI, mint (Nat Mur), vinegar (Sepia), sulphur (Chamomilla)
were developed to research and study the healing properties of homeopathic remedies. First done by Hahneman