Study Guide Flashcards
INLAND ONLY. A single vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit
sidelights, sternlight, and a special flashing light
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A sternlight shall be positioned such that it will show from dead astern to how many degrees on each side of the stern of the vessel
67.5 degrees
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. a vessel engage in fishing and at anchor shall show
none of the above
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. In which situation do you think a risk of collision exist
a vessel is on your starboard quarter range decreasing bearing is constant
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Which vessel shall sound the danger signal
all of the above
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A 22 meter sailing vessel when also being propelled by machinery shall show during light hours
a black cone
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A single towing light will be carried above a vessel’s sternlight
only if she is towing astern
INLAND ONLY. Which lights are required for a barge not part of a composite unit being pushed ahead
sidelights and a special flashing lights
INLAND ONLY. A towing vessel pushing ahead on the western rivers above the HUEY P long bridge must show
sidelights and towing lights
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Safe speed is defined as the speed where
you can take proper and effective actions to avoid collision
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A 200 meter vessel is aground and restricted visibility which signal is optional
a whistle signal
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. you are approaching another vessel on crossing courses she is about one mile distant and is on your starboard bow you believe she will cross ahead of you but she sounds a whistle signal of five short blast
you should make a large course change and slow down if necessary
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. you are in charge of a 120 meter power driven vessel at anchor in fog sounding the required anchor signals you hear a fog signal of a vessel underway of your port bow you may sound
one short one prolong one short blast
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. what is not a distress signal
five or more short rapid blast on the whistle
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Which statement is true concerning risk of collision
risk of collision may exist when the compass bearing of an approaching vessel is changing appreciably