Study guide Flashcards
optimal treatment of dermoid cyst
cystectomy with only inspection of contralateral ovary
Most important prognostic factor for endometrial, cervical, vulvar and breast cancer is:
node status
hydrops tubae profluens is a classic sign of :
fallopian tube carcinoma
bleomycin MOA
inhibits synthesis of DNA; binds to DNA leading to single and double strand breaks
inhibits topoisomerase I - stabilizes the cleavable complex so that religation of cleaved DNA strand cannot occur - S phase of cell cycle
5 fluorouracil MOA
pyrimidine analog antimetabolite that interferes with DNA and RNA synthesis - inhibits thymidylate synthetase
5 fluorouracil adverse reaction
Neutropenia, mucositis, diarrhea, dermatitis
carboplatinum adverse reaction
What is Meig’s syndrome
triad of ovarian fibroma, hydrothorax, ascites
most common sites of ureteral injury
at cardinal ligaments and infundibulopelvic ligaments
Vulvar stage IVb
pelvic nodes, distant mets
Vulvar stage IIIc
with positive nodes with extracapsular spread
most important predictor of local recurrence of vulvar cancer after resection
tissue margin (>8mm on fixed tissue)
doxorubicin adverse effect
vicristine adverse effect
How many stages in vulvar cancer?
2 plant alkaloids
attributes of plain and chromic catgut
intense inflammation, absorbed quickly by phagocytosis
methotrexate MOA
folate antimetabolite that inhibits DNA synthesis, repair, and cellular replication - inhibits dihydrofolate reductase - cell cycle specific for S phase
dermoid with mostly thyroid tissue, benign
struma ovarii
treatment for vulvar cancer if positive inguinal nodes
adjuvant pelvic radiation
Lugol’s iodine MOA
glycogen stain; negative stain
most superior and medial inguinal node, considered sentinel node for spread to pelvic nodes
Cloquet’s node
BRCA2 on chromosome __
cisplatinum (cisplatin) MOA
inhibits DNA synthesis by formation of DNA cross-links, denatures double helix, covalently binds DNA
antidose to ifosfamide
treatment for vulvar cancer for well-lateralized lesions <2 cm
radical local excision of vulva with unilateral inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy
chemo drug from the pacific Yew tree
after transection the broad ligament, the ureter is where?
on medial leaf
cause of dyspereunia after radiation is usually:
atrophic vaginitis
paclitaxel (Taxol) adverse reaction
Alopecia, immediate hypersensitivity, neutropenia, bradycardia
carboplatinum MOA
alkylating agent - covalently binds to DNA, interstrand DNA cross-links; not cell-cycle specific
acetic acid MOA
dehydrate cells
Vulvar stage Ia
≤ 2 cm, ≤1 mm invasion, no nodes
heritability of BRCA mutations
autosomal dominant
Taxol is __ phase speicific
M phase
lymphatic drainage of uterus
iliac and paraaortic
cells found in Krukenburg tumors
signet ring cells
lymphatic drainage of upper vagina
iliac (pelvic)
p53 & Rb are examples of __ genes
tumor suppressor
cyclophosphamide MOA
alkylating agent – prevents cell division by cross-linking DNA strands and decreasing DNA synthesis
BRCA1: __% risk of breast cancer and __% risk of ovarian cancer
85% risk of breast cancer and 40% risk of ovarian cancer
treatment for endometrial hyperplasia
TAH vs progestin therapy (any progestin will do); premalignant potential directly related to degree of cellular atypia and to a far less extent the degree of architectural complexity; microscopically has crowded glands but no invasion
Vulvar stage IVa
mucosa of bladder or rectum, urethra, bone bilateral inguinal nodes
plant alkaloids are __ phase specific
M phase
Which HPV strains linked to VIN & invasive SCC?
HPV 16,18, 31, 33
Vulvar stage Ib
> 2 cm or >1 mm invasion, no nodes
cyclophosphamide adverse effect
hemorrhagic cystitis
topotecan adverse reaction
profound neutopenia
most common tumor to metastasize to fetus
Sentinal lymph node mapping in vulvar cancer
False negative rate is acceptably low (3.7%) such that patients can have SLN dissected and sent for frozen. If positive, full LN dissection on that side. Midline lesions need BILATERAL sentinel nodes.
the action of lasers is based on __
Water (cells heat and explode)
What is luteoma of pregnancy
solid, benign tumor requiring no treatment; regresses after pregnancy
What is the most common tumor in the broad ligament?
cycle nonspecific alkylating agents
platinum compounds
doxorubicin MOA
inhibits topoisomerase II – inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis, inhibition of DNA repair
Lymph node spread of vulvar cancer
- first to ipsilateral inguinal nodes, then pelvic (late)
- Well lateralized lesions ALWAYS spread to ipsilateral nodes before contralateral nodes
Main difference between tamoxifen and raloxifene is:
effect on endometrium (tamoxifen is proliferative)
bleomycin adverse effect
pulmonary fibrosis
methotrexate is __ phase specific
S phase
lymphatic drainage of cervix
iliac (pelvic)
paclitaxel (Taxol) MOA
inhibits microtubule disassembly, interfering with late G2 mitotic phase
metastatic tumore from stomach to ovary
Krukenburg tumors
ras, HER-2/neu are examples are __ genes
vincristine MOA
inhibits microtubule assembly - arrests cell at metaphase by disrupting formation of mitotic spindle (M & S phases)
BRCA1 on chromosome __
False negative rate is acceptably low (3.7%) such that patients can have SLN dissected and sent for frozen. If positive, full LN dissection on that side. Midline lesions need BILATERAL sentinel nodes.
lymphatic drainage of vulva
What are the steps of the cell cycle?
G1 - S (DNA replication) - G2 - M (mitosis)
lymphatic drainage of lower part of vagina
Most likely histologies of vulvar cancer
- Squamous cell cancer most common (~85% of all vulvar cancers)
- melanoma (~9%)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (2%)
- Paget’s disease, Bartholin’s adenocarcinoma, sarcomas, and neuroendocrine tumors all rare
cisplatin adverse reaction
nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, ototoxicity, emetogenic
Vulvar stage II
any size with adjacent spread (lower 1/3 vagina, lower 1/3 urethra, anus), no nodes
most important predictor of survival in vulvar cancer
+LN status (stage III disease)
methotrexate adverse reaction
Neutropenia, mucositis, nephrotoxicity
When doing omentectomy must ligate the __ arteries
gastroepiploic arteries
Vulvar stage IIIb
with 2 or more lymph node metastases (≥5mm) OR 3 or more lymph node metastases (
attributes of PDS & Maxon
monofilament, highest tensile strength for absorbables
treatment for vulvar cancer for lesions >2cm or midline lesion
radical local excision of vulva with bilateral lymphadenectomy
predictors of lymph node spread in vulvar cancer
Tumor diameter, grade, depth of invasion into stroma (most important!) and LVSI
attributes of Nylon & Prolene
monofilament, highest tensile strength of all sutures, nonabsorbable
Vulvar stage IIIa
with 1 lymph node metastasis (≥5mm) OR 1–2 lymph node metastases (
attributes of Vicryl and Dexon
polyfilament, absorbed by hydrolysis
What is treatment for microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma of vulva?
wide local excision, NOT radical vulvectomy, NOT lymph node dissection
Define microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma of vulva
< 1 mm depth of invasion and <2 cm diameter - no risk of lymph node spread
In vulvar squamous cell carcinoma, if depth of invasion is 1.1 - 3 mm, likelihood of positive node is:
6 - 12% (need lymphadenectomy)
In vulvar squamous cell carcinoma, if depth of invasion is 3.1 - 5 mm, likelihood of positive node is:
15 - 20% (need lymphadenectomy)
second most common vulvar cancer
survival with melanoma of vulva is related to:
Clark’s or Brewlow’s levels
treatment for melanoma of vulva with Clark level I or II (Breslow <1.5 mm)
wide local excision
treatment for melanoma of vulva with Breslow > 1.5mm
same as for squamous cell carcinoma, although nodes are only for prognosis
If nodes are positive in melanoma of vulva:
uniformly fatal
Paget’s disease of vulva may represent underlying __
adenocarcinoma (15%)
Cake icing effect of vulva
Paget’s disease
large clear cells at base of dermis
Paget cells
treatment of Paget’s disease of vulva
Wide local excision with clear margins of 2 cm
treatment of bartholin gland carcinoma
treat like squamous cell carcinoma
treatment of verrucous carcinoma
radical local excision without node dissection
verrucous carcinoma: __ rather than __ borders
pushing rather than infiltrative borders
Borders of femoral triangle
sartorius laterally
adductor longus medially
inguinal ligament superiorly
Where are the inguinal nodes?
In the femoral triangle, between superficial fascia (Camper’s) and deep fascia
Where are the femoral nodes?
In the femoral triage, deep to deep fascia
treatment for VIN I and II