Study guide Flashcards
Two muscle groups that make up the HIP FLEXOR
- Illiacus
- Psoas
Origin of PSAOS
Anterior surface and surface + transverse process of L1-L5
Insertion for both muscles in the Hip flexor
I: Lesser trochanter
4 Muscles that make up Quadriceps group
- Vastus Medialis
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus intermedius
- Rectus femoris
All produce action of knee extension for the quadricep group which one produces hip flexion as well
Rectus femoris
origin of rectus femurs
INsertion of the sartorius muscle
Superior/ medial tibia
5 muscles hip adduction
Pectineus Adductor brevis Adductor longus Adductor magnus Gracilas
general area all the hip adductor muscles originate
where does gracilis muscle insert
Medial tibial shaft
how many gluteal muscles
origin of gluteus maximus
PSIS PIIS and sacrum
origin of tensor fasciae lata
ASIS + outer iliac crest
What is the iliotibial band
large band of fascia provides support
what muscles go into iliotibial band
Gluteus maximus
Tensar fascia lata
six muscles produce external rotation of hip
Piriforms Gemellus superior gemellus inferior obturator internus Obturator externus Quadratus femoris
Priforms muscle goes through
Greater sciatic notch and over the greater sciatic nerve
external rotator muscles of hip have a common insertion
Greater trochater
3 muscles- hamstring group
Biceps Femoris (two heads)
common origin to share for the hamstring group
Ischail tuberosity
INsertion of bicep femoris
Long head- fibular head LCL
Short head- fibular head LCL
Insertion for the semitendinosis and semimembranosis
superior/ medial posterior tibia shaft
Actions hamstrings produce
Knee flexion + hip extesion
where is the origin of the gastrocnemius
Posterior femoral condyle
actions that the gastrocnemius produce
Planter flexion and knee flex
origin of the soleus muscle
Posterior fibular, head and upper post tibial shaft
common insertion both muscles share soleus gastrocnemius
achillas tendon calcaneous
Insertion of tibialis anterior
1 st metacarple
dorsi flexion inverison
prevents vares going out
prevents valgus going in