Study Guide 2 Flashcards
Bartholomeu Dias
First European to round the tip of Africa.
Sturdier ships that could cross oceans.
Prince Henry
Promoted Portuguese exploration; founded navigation schools
Ferdinand Magellan
Explored the new ocean. Only 18/250 men and 1/5 ships returned after being the first to circumnavigate the world.
Vasco de Gama
Goes to India and fills his ships with pepper, cinnamon, silk, and rare gems. A $200 million dollar profit.
Amerigo Vespucci
An Italian map maker that set the idea that the unknown land was a new world. America was named after him.
Christopher Columbus
Voyaged to the new world and thought the Caribbean was West Indies.
Vasco de Balboa
Spanish explorer that led on expedition through the Panama and was the first to see the Pacific Ocean
Francisco Pizarro
Conquered the Inca empire and lives there for a long time.
To sail around the world.
Line of Demarcation
Line dividing through the Atlantic Ocean. All lands west are Spain’s. All lands east are Portugal’s
Hernando Cortes
Conquered the Aztec Empire; built Mexico City on its ruins.
Capital city of the Aztecs.
Spanish soldiers that found and conquered land for Spain.
Small country in northwestern Europe.
Dutch East India Company
Netherlands company founded to establish and direct trade in Asia.
Aztec Deity
Lands controlled by another nation.
Person of mixed Spanish and Native American
Grant of land that was given to Spanish settlers in the Americas.
New France
Frances empire in North America in the Midwest U.S. and Canada.
New Netherlands
Dutch holdings in North America; Driven out by English.
First permanent settlement in North America.
Person on a religious journey
French and Indian War
War between France and England over North America.
Middle Passage
Part of the voyage that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies.
Triangular Trade
Trade network that transported slaves from Africa to the West Indies.
Atlantic Slave Trade
The buying and selling of Africans to work in the Americas.
Columbian Exchange
The global transfer of goods during the colonization of the Americas
Theory that held that a country’s power depended upon it’s wealth.
Favorable Balance of Trade
A nation sells more than it buys.
Economic system based upon private ownership.
Joint Stock Company
Investors bought shores of stock in companies.
Geocentric Theory
Earth centered view of the universe.
Scientific Revolution
New way of thinking about the natural world.
Earth and planets revolve around the sun.
Intelligent movement that stressed reason and thought to slave problems.
Social Contract
And agreement that created government
John Locke
A philosopher that believed in self-government and should have the right to rebel.
Fought for freedom of religious belief and speech, reason; using books and essays.
Influential French writer, devoted himself to the belief of political liberty.
A great philosopher that was passionately committed to individual freedom.