Study Guide Flashcards
Pass IFR written exam
What is the density altitude formula
pressure alt + (120 x (OAT - ISA_temperature))
At what altitude must you set altimeter to 29.92
For each 10% decrease in weight Va decreases what %?
How many g’s in a 60% bank turn?
Standard rate turn is how many deg / sec
3 deg, 360 in 2 mins
When turning to the north stop x degrees short
30 degrees
Altimeter must be within x ft of accurate?
75 ft
Level off what % of fpm?
Corrrections of less than x ft is what on attitude indicator?
100 ft is 1/2 bar width
What is the order of fundamentals
Crosscheck, instrument interpretation, airplane control
How often must the VOR be checked?
Every 30 days
Vor acceptable errors?
+/- 6 in the air, +/-4 on ground, 4 when crosschecking
How many degrees per dot on vor?
How many degrees when vor fully deflected?
What are the vor ranges for H class vor?
40 nm up to 14.5 (top of class g), 100nm up to 18k
When off of established airways below 18k VORs should generally be how many miles apart?
When on VOR, displacement is how many feet per degree per nm?
When VOR is INOP, DME will signal once every x seconds at what hz?
Once every 30 seconds, at 1350hz
When 90 degrees from VOR, formula for distance? Formula for time?
D = ST/D T = 60*T/D
What forecast is necessary to not list an alt airport?
2k and 3SM
Standard Alt minimums?
800ft and 2SM for non precision, 600ft and 2SM for precision
What are the minimum ft clearances in normal, and mountainous terrain?
1000ft normal, 2000ft mountainous, 4nm horizontal clearance
At what altitude to you need DME?
Must cancel IFR plan within x minutes if you don’t depart?
30 minutes
What is the upper bounds of class G?
Class E lower bounds?
1200ft AGL normal, 700 on approaches
Typical class B upper bounds?
Class D typical height and width?
2500ft and 4nm
Normal ILS minimums for cat 1?
200ft and 1/2SM
What is LDA?
Localizer type directional aid. It’s a localizer that’s not aligned with the runway. Between 3 and 6 degrees wide
What is a SDF
Simplified directional facility. Fixed at either 6 or 12 degrees
What substitution can you use for an inop MM
Compass locator or precision radar
Does a middle marker outage change minimums?
No, it’s not listed on the inop equipment minimums chart
What are the four requirements for a timed approach
No course reversal or PT, a towered airport, comm with the tower, listed circling minimums
What are the speed limits in a holding pattern?
200 kts under 6k 230 up to 14k then 265
GPS CDI Sensitivity normally and in approach mode?
Normal 1nm, approach down to 0.3NM
Terminal Mode Starts x miles from airport?
30 miles
Jet stream is at least x knots?
50 knots
Adiabatic lapse rate? Norrmal and Dry?
2 deg / 1000 normal, 3 deg / 1000 dry
Average height of troposphere
In a microburst what fpm is max downdraft?
What is HIWAS?
Continuous broadcast over VOR sigmets, convective sigmets, airmets, severe weather forecast (AWW), center weather advisories (CWA), Urgent Pilot Weather Report (UUA)
Where can you get the latest notams?
Weather depiction is made up of what?
Compilation of METARS
What is the TAF Radius, the vicinity?
5SM, vicinity 5-10SM
When is the FA forecast duration?
12 hour forecast with a 6 hour outlook
In FA WND means at least how many kts?
High speed winds aloft are represented how?
wind between 100 and 199 adds 50 to direction and subtracts 100 from speed
Winds aloft less than 5 kts or coded as?
Every 6 hours, Includes less severe reports on turbulence , icing, surface winds (30 kts), restricted vis over 50% of an area, mountain obscurment
Severe Icing, Severe and extreme turbulence, ash, dust limiting vis to 3 miles
Convective SIGMET
Tornadoes, embedded thunderstorms, hail, or wind gusts over 50kts. Does not include icing, windshear etc as it is implied
Convective Outlook (AC)
24 hour outlook. Severe t-storms, winds greater than 50 knots, hail greater than 3/4”
TAF Wind VRB is how many kts?
Less than 3
Winds aloft uses true or magnetic headings?
True headings
En Route, MOCA guarantees nav signal coverage within how many nm of VOR?
What is a common FSS frequency?
122.0 122.2
When flying DME arc turn how many degrees for each 1/2 mile off course?
10 to 20 deg
Alternate 123 rule?
1 hour before 1 hour after, 2000ft clg, 3sm vis, then you don’t need an alternate
Enroute flight advisory service - aka flight watch. Specific weather info along your route of flight. 122.0 between 5-18k. Open from 6am-10pm.
Flight Service Station. Will provide updated briefings, weather info anywhere. Same is wx-brief. Open / close flight plans.
Center Weather Advisories. Weather updates for a specific airspace within the next 2 hours.
Transcribed weather broadcast - recorded information in a route format. Expected sky coverage, cloud tops, visibility.
SRA and SAR are non-precision radar, PAR is precision radar approach
Final Approach Fix (precision is lighting bold, non precision is maltese cross), Final Approach Point (non-precision FAF with no nav facilities)
Reporting Points
[H]old (entering, leaving)
[U]nable (to climb or decend at 500 ft/min)
[M]issed Approach
[A]ltitude change (ifr or vfr on top)
[N]avigational Capability Lost
[S]peed change of 5% or 10 knots, whichever is greater
[S]afety of flight (anything)
Other reports, including non-radar: TUF
[T]ime estimate change of more than 3 minutes
[U]nforcast Weather
[F]inal Approach Fix Departure inbound for landing
Lost Comm
Route: Assigned route or vectors, expected route, or as filed. Altitude: highest of assigned alt, expected alt or MEA. Landing: Depart FAF to approach at EFC time or the ETA as filed. If not at FAF then depart FAF and EFC time. If no EFC time then depart when you get there. Begin descent to landing at ETA.
Substitutes for OM and MM?
OM: LOM or Compass Locator, Radial off a VOR/NDB/DME, PAR/ASR MM: PAR, LOM
What is the holding pattern timing?
1 minute outbound when to/from flip or abeam the fix. 1 minute turn inbound, 1 minute inbound 1 minute turn outbound. Total 4 minutes
Holding patter is by position or heading
course (position)
Severe Weather Outlook Chart
48 hour outlook presented in 2 panels.
Min jet route?
East even, west odd, what deg course?
0-179, 180-359
Errors in compass due to installation is called
Compass Deviation
Off the 6 pack instruments which is not required for IFR?
Required checks to fly IFR
30 days - VOR Check - (Where, when error and signature)
12 Months - ELT
24 Months - pitot/static, transponder
Climb/Descent Rules when IFR
Climb as max until within 1000’ of assigned, then 500 - 1500fpm