Study Guide Flashcards
________________ is to protect the community from the dangers of uncontrolled fire, other emergencies, save lives and preventing property loss. Why an organization exists.
functions within the department (e.g., suppression, prevention, training)
Division Of Work
What law allows military veterans preference
Veterans Preference Act
deals with word meanings
environmental distraction - drowns out or interferes message sender is transmitting.
intentional editing of a message in order to avoid conflict
beliefs, values, and norms shared by the members – parallel
Organizational culture
occurs not because the language is different, but the meanings of words are different for the sender and the receiver
Frame of reference
understanding the other person’s point of view
a. elicit excitement from the program proponents;
b. educate the informed
c. neutralize the objections.
Program Proposal
What is the first step in proposing a program
tell the reader/listener about the program proposal contains.
What leads to efficiency and effectiveness
open records law request for information
Freedom of Information Act
First step in conducting research
identify clearly the problem or opportunity to be defended.
First step to develop FF skills/abilities assessment
perform personal audit of your FF’s current skills, knowledge, and abilities.
What Are the 3 domains of learning
a. cognitive b. affective c. psychomotor
a. Cognitive ?
b. Affective ?
c. Psychomotor ?
a. Cognitive - emphasizes intellectual process b. Affective - paradigm and attitude c. Psychomotor - motor skills intellectual process
To conduct personnel audits on training, education, and proficiencies (validations)
race, religion, sex, age - (which one is not a demographic on test)
For fire chief, who is the most important asset to department
technology made for sophisticated mapping and modeling
Geographical information System (GIS)
caring attitude and excellent ethnical service - best way to build rapport with community.
Customer Service
best to identify possible solutions that other departments have already addressed
people who can influence or be affected by the actions of another organization.
an agreement in which local state, regional, and national response is requested for a large scale emergency
Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS)
local, tribal, state, and federal levels who implement the____________ are included in the planning process. (important role for private sector)
National Response Framework (NRF)
Includes reducing redundant service and ensuring the security of revenue sources.
Sustainability of Local Governments
When determining risk trends you must look back how many years
Most important intergovernmental relationships for a Chief Officer
Law Enforcement
principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.
NFPA for Human Resources staffing
NFPA 1710/NFPA 1720
After establishing personnel assignments for HRM, use 3 steps
a. consideration of staffing levels;
b. location of personnel
c. specific functions the personnel will perform.
What section is part of anticipated adjustments for resources changes
What hinders human human resources staffing plans
New legislation
Four methods for JOB ANALYSIS
a. observation b. critical incidents c. work diaries, d. interviews/surveys e. NOT HISTORICAL RECORDS
used collect information about specific job tasks.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) covers what
minimum wage, overtime
What protects public employee relating to criminal prosecution
Garrity Rights
Whose responsible for Employee Evaluations
employee’s immediate supervisor
Promotional Policy and procedures are
valid and reliable
What is it when evaluator compares the candidate to other candidates and not specific competencies being evaluated.
Contrast Error
What Chapter of Civil Rights Act
what urges maintenance of records that disclose by identifiable race, sex, or ethnic group impact
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Freedom of Information Act requires
record retention
What is Statutory Law
Legislative Bodies
What is common law
appeals level courts (resolves disputes)
Judges decision is binding
Who retains ability to make final decisions.
Supreme courts
SWOT know letter meanings
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
What type of command is it when everyone answers to one person
Unity of Command -
number of people on supervisor can supervise
Span of control
Chief Officer involvement in emergency management planning should be
visible and primary role
Appellate courts
Courts of record
What is NOT a good reason to adopt OSHA
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act were made to
Protect Veterans
When conducting an interview only ask about
First Requirement in Justifying an Accommodation for Disability
request by the individual
drug test-reasonable search protected by
Fourth Amendment
America Burning issued in
5 areas for assessment in America Burning
a. the fire services
; b. fire and the build environment
c. fire and the rural wildlands environment;
d. fire prevention;
e. programs of future
Strategic Planning focuses on _______________and moves accomplishing ___________
Short Term Achievements / common vision
Strategic Planning contains
. citizen involvement; b. member input all levels; c. from nearby agencies; d. a strategic plan team; e. buy - in by leadership f. available to the public and all FD members
public funds utilized; open to public scrutiny
What prepares department for unwanted events
Strategic Planning
1st step when creating a strategic plan
determining scope
2nd step for creating a Strategic plan
acquire planning data
3rd step for creating a Strategic plan
prepare a strategic planning retreat
what provides the planning team with the basis for formulating initiatives
SWOT Analysis
Planning consultants do what
help planning team
reasons for existence: policies, procedures, and programs that define what an organization is
Federal Emergency Managemnt Agency was created in
Fema reports to who
Department of homeland DHS
(ICs)What can reduce time that benefits of pre-identified resources and command assistance
Proper emergency planning
Who are expert for basic responsibilities of emergency management
the effort to reduce loss of life and property
who measures erosion and sediment control
Natural Resource Protection
activities and measures taken to establish, enhance, and sustain the capability to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from incidents
What is made by FEMA to accurately identify and define resources available
Resource Typing
what are designed to walk through EOPs with selected agency representatives.
TABLE top exercises
Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #4 Firefighting
coordination of federal firefighting activities
mass care ESF #?
Communications ESF #
FSF #2
emergency management ESF #
public works ESF #
Logistics ESF #
public health ESF #
search and rescue ESF #
oil hazards - “was on my test” ESF #
agriculture and natural resources ESF #
Energy Esf#
public safety security ESF #
long term community recovery ESF #
external affairs ESF # - there is no #25 ESF
Which Fema Incident type most complex, requiring national resources
FEMA Publication
Incident Objectives ICS #
Communications Plan ICS #
Who develops IAP
Planning Sections Chief
Codes established by
International Code Council (ICC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Water accounts for what percent of iso
Plain Review Consists of
site plan and plan review of structure
Stop work order if
Hazard propose imminent danger
Who account for highest risk of home fires
Seniors/older adults
develop programs with local school administrations for ___________
school presentations
One Mill =
enough money from tax comes in as the primary factor in designing taxation systems
what is element of perceived fairness
what is the need to remain neutral on how funds are generated by governments
appearance of equality and neutrality
user fees
contract contingent on the annual appropriation of funds during the life of the agreement
Lease Purchase Agreement
What are the highest cost for an organization
Personnel costs
What budget plan for future operations
Expense Budget/Operating Budget
negative effective - controlling resources too strictly
Line item system
what budget is expenditures are allocated for specific activities (e.g. recruitment, fire prevention, smoke detectors, firefighting training)
Program Budget
long range need/station purchases Budget?
Budget Spreadsheets contain
columns money was budgeted previous year and was actually spent
after approval chief offices must attempt to manage the department within the budgeted guidelines
final consideration by all interdepartmental stakeholders for final consideration