study guide Flashcards
how many times will a victim of abuse go back to the abuser before leaving or being killed? 
7 times
Power and control are the purpose behind an abusive relationship?
why is it important to not shower or drink anything after someone has been raped? 
The body is evidence, washes away all the evidence
what is physical abuse? 
abuse that the victim has visible bruises and injuries 
Define date rape?
forced sex on a date 
What is quid pro quo?
One thing for another, a person uses authority over a person to get what they want
What are three characteristics of a person who hits?
usually comes from a violent family, thinks abuser should be boss, blames others for making them angry
consent is permission for something to happen or an agreement to do something?
What are three characteristics of a person who stays in an abusive relationship?
accepts blame, often comes from violent family, makes excuses for abusers behavior 
Define sexual harassment
Any unwanted, unwelcome, unsolicited behavior, because you are a male or female 
for examples of sexual harassment?
Rating of person, emails, texts that are inappropriate, pulling down pants, blocking someone’s path
three resources wear a victim of abuse can go for help
Life, crisis, hospital, police
three guidelines to follow to reduce the risk of date rape
do not abuse drugs and alcohol, do not walk or go places that are not well it, state what you want clearly, say no firmly
List and explain three cycles of violence; explain with the abuser and victim do in each cycle 
honeymoon phase abusers, trat the victim with love victims thinks that the abuser has changed. Tension building phase abusers getting frustrated quickly and starting to show anger victim is walking on eggshells trying to make everything perfect. Serious battering phase abuser abuser is the victim and the victim accepts responsibility for the abuse 
What does an abuser due to a victim to gain control?
isolate the victim from family and friends
three signs of an unhealthy relationship
Physical abuse, name-calling, criticized, accused of lying and cheating 
List and explained four different types of abuse that an abuser uses on the victim
Physical, emotional, children, economical, intimidation, threats, sexual abuse, isolation
List three statements that you can say to tell someone to stop the behavior
Stop doing that I do not like it, leave me alone, you are making me uncomfortable, I did not like it when you look at me that way
Two warning, signs of a violent relationship
very jealous, controlling, pressures for sex, abuses, drug and alcohol, blames, you when , abuser mistreats
two date rape drugs
Ruffino, GHB
percentage of women and men involved in date, rape that have been under the influence of drugs and alcohol
75% men and 55% women
Hostile environment can happen anywhere and it is where a person does not feel safe and cannot be productive
A victim of sexual assault can experience
withdrawal from school, withdraw from social situations, lose their self confidence, doubt their self-worth
We need to clearly communicate what we want on a date so there’s no confusion or miscommunication. You don’t want to put yourself in a bad situation.