Study Guid Flashcards
name some diagnostic test for Hiatal Hernia (4)
barrium swallow with fluroscopy
upper abdominal x-ray
esophagogastroduodenoscopy EDG
when should mouth care be performed?
after each meal and as needed
what pain management techniques should you give to a patient taking medication for a hernia
tell them to avoid driving ot operating machinery while taking medication
what complication of PUD has these charecteristics?
sudden, severe, without warning
symptoms of pain may not be present (common with NSAID use)
gastrointestinal bleeding
what are some complications of IBD
Fistulas such as:
Enterocutaneous fistula (between skin and intestine)
• Enteroenteral fistula (between intestine and intestine)
• Enterovesicular fistula (between bowel and bladder)
• Enterovaginal fistula (between bowel and vagina)
Perineal abscesses
joint swelling & pain
ankylosing spondylitid, osteoporosis, kidney stones, eye inflamation, mouth sores, skin lsesions
anal fissures
intestinal obstruction
anemia from hemorrhage
Surgical complications may include anal canal strictures, pelvic sepsis, pouch failure, fecal incontinence, pouch dysplasia/cancer, sexual dysfunction, and female infertility.
what kind of medication forms a physical barrier on the skin to prevent irritation of the perianal regoin to a patient who has hemorrhoids?
protectants/ emollients
cocoa butter
white petroleum
zinc oxide
mineral oil
cod liver oil
shark liver oil
name some biologic therapies
centoLIZUMAB- cimzia
what disease has this manifestation?
burning epigastric pian aggravated by fasting?
pain improved with food or antacids
duodenal ulcer
what mesures to prevent constipation are taken in a patient who has a hernia?
Tell them to eat food with good sources of fiber such as;
whole grain
raw vegetables
in a patient with gastrointestinal bleeding what does coffe-ground emesis indicate?
older blood that has had time to be reduces by acid in the stomach
what medication binds to necrotic ulcer tissue and serves as a barrier to acid, pepsin, bile, and can directly absorb bile salts
sucralfae (carafate)
what medications are part quadruple therapy?
wich medication reduces inflammation in a patient who has hemorrhoids?
what are the risk factors involved in Hiatal Hernia? (5)
barrets esophagitis
50 or older- increses with age as supportive structures weaken over time
what is a classic characteristic of ulcer pain in PUD?
exacerbations occurs daily for a period of several weeks and then remits intill the next recurrence
what is the normal level of prealbumin?
12-42 mg/dl
what is the post-op care for laparoscopic nissen fundolipication? (6)
- follow a soft diet for 1 week, untill swallowing improves.
- avoid foods that arenot easy to swallow
- take small bites and eat slowly
- avoid activities that cause air to be swallowed. carbonated beverages, lemonade, gum, straws
- driving is allowed 1 week and after narcotic pain medications have been discontinued
- no heavy lifting
what medication are given to a patient who has IBD?
biological therapies
what are the age related changes in bile synthesis??
- decreased bile synthesis
- widend common bile duct
- increased cholecystokinin secreation
what surgical option is it when the colon is removed and the ileum is sutured to the anal canal
leakage of stool is a problem for these patients
abdominal colectomy with ileoanal anastomosis
what kind of ristriction are these?
- After surgery, the doctor usually changes the original surgical dressing after 2 days. Steri-Strips are left intact and usually fall off in about 10 days. Keep them clean and dry and do not peel them off.
- Wash incisions with soap and water and pat them dry with a clean towel.
- Observe incisions for redness or drainage, and report any of these symptoms to the healthcare provider.
- Notify the healthcare provider for a fever greater than 101°F, or 38.3°C. Patients older than 65 years: report temperature above 100°F, or 37°C. Report nausea, vomiting, and severe bloating or unusual pain.
- Bring a list of questions to the first postoperative appointment, usually within 4 weeks after surgery.
Walking is encouraged.
Notify the healthcare provider for chest pain or difficulty breathing that gets worse with time.
• Continue antireflux medication regimen unless notified otherwise by a healthcare provider.
Postoperative Patient Education After Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
in what order should you rentroduce liquids after treatment?
1st- broth,tea,gelatin,carbonated beverages
2nd- ingestion of heavier liquids cream soups, pudding, milk
3rd, gradual reintroduction of solid food
when should you report hematemesis and why?
to prevent shock
what kind of medication
alter a persons immune response
they alter an inflammatory protein called TNF (tumor necrosis factor)
traditionally used as second line agents but are now prescribed as an earlier treatment
biologic therapies
what kind of mouth care can irritate a sore or inflame oral tissue?
lemon- glycerin swabs
what reduces the risk of antibiotic resistant H pylori strains?
using a combinations of antimicrobial agents
when is a mild laxitive ordered for a patient who has a hernia?
after 3 days
in a patient with GERD what should be avoided because it can irritate the lining of the esophagus
what medications are associated with gastritis? (7)
- proton pump inhibitor
- H2 receptor antagonis
- esome/lanso/panto-prazole
- antacids
- sucralfate (carafate)
- B12
- antibiotics for -H pylory
what do decresed levels of prealbumin indicate?
increased morbidity and mortality in older adults
what kind of bowels are caused by
anticholinergic medications
ileus (absence of normal gastrointestinal motility)
hypoactive bowel sounds
what disease has this kind of treatment?
Broad spectrum antibiotics for 7-10 days
consume a clear liquid diet untill symptoms subside
antibiotics used include:
Ciprofloxacin and metronidazole, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and metronidazole, amoxicillin-clavulanate, Augmentin or Moxifloxacin.
IV fluids
Nasogastric tube
Pain medications
what stimulated the release of pancreatic enzymes that contract the gallbladder and relax the hepatopancreatic sphincter (sphincter of Oddi) for release of bile into the duodenum?
what increses the chances of constipation in a patient with hemrroids?
narcotic anagesics
what kind of liquids are initially prescribed as tolerated for a patient recovering with gastroenteritis?
clear liquids are prescribed as tolerated
what medication decrese gastric acidiy by neutralizing the acid?
aluminum or magnesium compounds
maalox, mylanta
what kind of pain is located midline in the epigastrium near the xiphoid
Peptic Ulcer disease pain
what medication prevents mucosal damage in chronic users of NSAIDs
prostaglandin E analog
what skin care actions should you take when treating a patient with IBD?
use witch hazle compress to reduce anal irritation
do not use soap
what are the clinical manefestations of hernias?
bulging or swelling at the site of the hernia
ache that radiates in the are of the hernia
feelings of fullness or presure in the area of the hernia
what disease is caused by
Crohns’s disease
bile reflux
what disease has this clinical manifestation?
bulge or visible swelling
* associated when coughing or bering down
name a prostaglandin E analog
when doing mouth care what kind of rinse do you use?
warm saline
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
what are these examples of?
- Hiatal hernia
- LES hypotension
- Loss of esophageal motility
- Increased compliance of the hiatal canal
- Increased states of gastric secretion
- Eating large meals
- Delayed emptying of gastric contents
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Ascites
- Tight belts or girdles
- Presence of a nasogastric tube
factors that are associated with a decrease in LES pressures and contribute to GERD
what happend in the small intestine?
absorptio of
fat digestion
what is hepatomegaly?
term used to describe an enlarged liver
what kind of disease has this manifestation?
pain awakens patient from sleep because of nocturnal gastric acid secretion
duodenal ulcer
what bacteria causes gastritis?
what medications provide symptom relief and bowel rest?
these medications must be used with caution becuse they can cause colon dilation
after a lower endoscopy what is held teporarity due to the risk of bleeding?
anticoagulants and aspirin
ascetylsalic acid, or ASA
what disease has this clinical manifestation?
Strangulation clinical manifestations include abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, pain, fever, and tachycardia.
*This is a medical emergency, and the patient must be prepared for surgery immediately to prevent the development of gangrene.
what medications relive pain and discomfort
bloock and buffer gastric secreations for pain relief
PPIs & H2 receptor antagonist
what is an Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
visualization of the esophaphagus, stomach, and duodenum
what sound do you hear when you precuss over the liver or stomach?
flat dull sound
why must a patient with a strangulated hernia prepair for imidate surgery?
to prevent gangrene
what medication provides temporary relief from burning, itching, and pain? for a patient with hemorrhoids?
local anesthetics
what questions can you ask to asses the health HX of the GI system?
dietary practices (8)
- who prepaires your food at home?
- how often do you eat?
- any food intolerences?
- any food allergies?
- do you use food to treat ilnesses?
- what do you consider to be healthy and unhealthy food?
- do you fast for cultural or religious reasons?
- do you have dietary restriction or cultural practices?
what is the perfered diagnostic test for PUD?
Upper GI endoscopy
name the clear liquids that are prescribed to a patient who has gastroenteritis
oral glucose- electrolyte solutions
broth or bullon
take frequent small sips
what kind of skinc care should you have with a patient who hs IBD?
meticulous skin care at all times
what disease has this pathophysiology/ clinical manifestation?
retrograde flow of GI contents into the esophagus, resulting in inflammation
what disease has these risk factors?
H pylori
crohns disease
rare infectious disease
other mediations
acid hypersecretory disorders
myeloproliferative disorder
systemic mastocytosis
ill patients (burns, head injury, physical trauma, organ failure)
peptic ulcers
are herbal medicines classifies as diatary medicins in the united states?
what kind of disease presents no symptoms?
atrophic gastritis
what kind of diet should a patient with PUD follow? (4)
no spices, alchohol, caffeine, smoking
6small meals a day or small hr meals
intake of adequate fluids
if bleeding=NPO
what medications are in triple therapy?
what complication of PUD has these characteristics?
peritonitis causes sudden intense epigastric pain
abdomen is tender to palpation, abdominal muscles are rigid, HYPOACTIVE OR ABSENT BOWEL SOUNDS
what complication of PUD has these characteristics?
release of gastrointestinal contents into peritoneum
abdominal distention and third spacing
in a patient with gastrointestinal bleeding what is bright red blood in the emesis indicative of?
active bleeding
what two bacterias come from ingesting raw or undercooked poultry?
salmonella and campylobacter
what kind of food should be avoided in someone who has gastroenteritis?
caffeine and milk products
what kind of teaching should you give to a patient with IBS
no smoking
smoking cessation techniques
name some antidiarrheals
loperamide- imodium
atropine sulfate- lomotil
dipnoxylate hydrochloride
what can be a cause of gastereonteritis? (3)
virus, bacteria, parasite
-noravirus/ rotavirus
acid suppresing medications
- PPI (it reduces the acidis environment that provides an initial defense against gastrointestinal infections)
what disease has factors that are associated with a decrease in LES presure that influence transient or chronic gastroesophageal reflux
what is “cullen’s sign”?
blue or purple coloring around the periumbilical area
associated with intra-abdominal bleeding
what therapies are recomended as the first-line treatmetn of H pylori?
what is the lower portion of the small intestine?
what questions do you ask to asses the GI system
do you smoke? do you use prescription or OTC medications? do you use herbals? do you drink alcohol? recent antibiotic use? any recent international travel
name some H2 receptor antagonist
what diagnostic tests can rule out disorders that can siggest gastritis such as polyps and gastric neoplams
upper GI x-ray series or endoscopy
histological examination of a tissue speciemn
stool testing
where does digestion and absorption occure?
what disease has these diatery recomendations?
fiber from raw fruits and vegetables
DO NOT increase your fiber during acute phases
what disease is caused by acid reflux for the stomach or duodenum into the esophagus?
what medication enhances mucosal defenses?
sucralfate (carafate)
what is released form the jejunum and duodenum when gastric, log fatty shains, and amino acids are present?