Study for class test Flashcards
One continuous variable, compare its mean to a pre-selected value
One sample t-test
One sample t-test assumptions
Normally distributed continuous variable
One sample t-test H0
Mean of variable is equal to the population (or pre selected value)
2 measurements of the same continuous variable at different time points
Paired samples t-test
Paired samples t-test H0
Mean of variable at follow up is the same as the mean at baseline in population
Paired samples t-test assumptions
Difference in the variable between baseline and follow up should be normally distributed
Assumptions not met for paired samples t-test
Wilcoxon test
One continuous variable and a categorical variable with more than 2 groups, to compare mean of continuous variable between the groups
Mean of variable is the same across all 3 groups
ANOVA assumptions
Independent groups
Normal distribution
Equal variance of continuous variable between groups - use Levenes test (p>0.05 for variance)
ANOVA show which groups differ
Post-hoc test -> Scheffe test
Assumptions for ANOVA not met
Kruskal-Wallis test
Compare continuous variable between 2 binary variables
Independent samples t-test
Independent samples t-test assumptions
Independent groups
Normal distribution
Equal variance between groups - Levenes test
Assumptions not met independent samples t-test
Mann-Whitney test