Study Deck Flashcards
Defined benefit pension plan (ASPE)
- Pension expense = current service cost + interest on ABO + past service amortization + expected earnings on plan assets + actuarial gain / (loss)
- Accrued benefit asset / (liability) = opening – current services – interest on ABO – past service amortization + expected earnings on plan assets – benefits paid + funding + actuarial gain / (loss)
- Reference: ASPE 3461*
Restricted Fund Method (NPO)
- Funds are segregated into one or more restricted funds, a capital asset fund, an endowment fund and a general fund
- Used by NPOs that have significant restricted contributions for programs or projects
- Allows users to better see financial statement elements that are restricted in their purpose and use
- Revenue is recognized in the fund to which it relates when it is received
- Endowment contributions are recognized to the endowment fund
- Unrestricted contributions are recognized to the general fund
- Restricted contributions are recognized to the fund that they relate to.
- If there is no fund set-up, then restricted contributions are recognized in line with the deferral method.
- Reference: Accounting Standards for NPOs 4410*
PPE - Betterments (ASPE)
- Capitalize betterment because enhances service potential (increase in physical output or service capacity, associated operating costs are lowered, useful life is extended, or quality of output is improved)
- Expense repair and maintenance
- Reference: ASPE 3061.14*
Construction Contracts – Recognition (IFRS)
- Use percentage complete to recognize revenue and expenses when the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably
- Fixed price contract – when all of the following are satisfied:
- Total contract revenue can be measured reliably
- It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow to the entity
- Both the contract costs to complete the contract and the percentage complete can be measured reliably
- Contract costs attributable to the contract can be clearly identified and measured reliably so that actual contract costs incurred can be compared with prior estimates
- Cost plus contract – when all of the following are satisfied:
- It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the contract will flow to the entity
- The contract costs attributable to the contract, whether or not specifically reimbursable, can be clearly identified and measured reliably
Reference: IAS 11.22 - .24
Liability characteristics (ASPE)
- A duty to others requiring future settlement of assets or provisions
- Can’t avoid duty
- Event that caused the obligation has occurred
- Reference: ASPE 1000.29*
Related Party Transactions (ASPE)
- One party has the ability to exercise control or influence over another
- Transactions should be recorded at the carrying amount
- Exception - transaction has commercial substance and carried out in normal course of operations (record at the exchange amount, the amount of consideration agreed to between the related parties)
- Reference: ASPE 3840.03, .08, .18*
Construction Contracts – Multiple assets (IFRS)
- If contract covers a number of assets, treat as a separate construction contract when:
- Separate proposals have been submitted for each asset
- Each asset has been subject to separate negotiation
- The costs and revenues of each asset can be identified
Reference: IAS 11.08
Foreign translation – Temporal method (ASPE)
- Used for integrated foreign operations:
- CDN $ unit of measure
- Monetary items translated at rate at balance sheet date
- Non-monetary items translated at historical rate (unless carried at market)
- Revenues and expenses translated at rate in effect on date that they occur
- Amortization uses rate of related asset
- FX gains and losses are included in income
Reference: ASPE 1651.03
Donated goods and services (NPO)
- Optional to record, but can only do so when:
- A fair value can be reasonably estimated; and
- When the goods and services are used in the normal course of operations and would otherwise be purchased
Reference: Accounting Standards for NPOs 4410.16
Current Liabilities (ASPE)
- Current liabilities include amounts payable within one year from the B/S date or within the normal operating cycle
- Reference: ASPE 1510.08 - .10 *
PPE – Depreciation (IFRS)
- Allocated on a systematic basis over an asset’s useful life
- Depreciation begins when asset is available for use
- Depreciation ceases when an asset is classified as held for sale or when it’s derecognized. Depreciation doesn’t cease when asset become idle or is retired from active use.
- Residual value and useful life should be reviewed annually – any changes are accounted for prospectively as changes in estimates
- Reference: IAS 16.43 - .62 *
Capital leases [Lessor] (ASPE)
- Capital lease if the following exist:
- Any one of the following criteria are met:
- Transfer of ownership or bargain purchase option
- Lease term at least 75% of economic life of asset
- PV of minimum lease payments at least 90% of FV of leased asset (Discount rate = lower of lessee’s incremental borrowing rate and implicit rate)
Reference: ASPE 3065
Construction Contracts – Group of contracts (IFRS)
- Group of contracts, whether with a single customer or several, will be treated as a single construction contract when:
- The group of contracts is negotiated as a single package
- The contracts are so closely interrelated that they are in effect part of a single project with an overall profit margin
- The contracts are performed concurrently at the same time or in a continuous sequence
Reference: IAS 11.09
Future income taxes (ASPE)
- Future income tax assets arise when an expense is recognized first for accounting and deducted later for tax
- Future income tax liabilities arise when an expense is deducted first for tax and recognized later for accounting or when revenue is recognized first for accounting and included in taxable income later
- Reference: ASPE 3465.02*
Tangible Capital Assets (NPO)
- If contributed, record at fair value as of contribution date
- If average of annual revenues for current and preceding year is less than $500,000: entity can choose to:
- Capitalize and amortize capital assets
- Capitalize capital assets but do not record amortization
- Expense capital asset purchases in the year occurred
Reference: Accounting Standards for NPOs 4431.03
Asset Retirement Obligations (ASPE)
- Legal obligation associated with the retirement of a tangible long-lived asset
- Recognize liability in the period in which it is incurred
- Measurement is based on best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date
- Cost is capitalized to the carrying value of the related asset and then amortized to income systematically
- In subsequent periods, the liability would be adjusted for the passage of time (accretion expense) and any changes in the amount or timing of the future cash flows needed to settle the obligation.
- Reference: ASPE 3110*
Common audit risk factors (Assurance)
- New or additional users
- Management bias
- Going concern
- Debt covenants
- Cash flow issues
- Control issues
- New problems or issues
- Significant growth in revenues or assets
- Legal claims
- High risk industry
- Complex systems
- Changes in operating environment
- New personnel
- Changes to information systems
- New technologies
- Changes in products or activities
- Corporate restructuring
- Expanded foreign operations
- New accounting pronouncements
Reference: CAS 315, Appendix 2
PPE - Depreciation methods (IFRS)
- Use method which reflects the pattern in which the asset’s future economic benefits are expected to be consumed by the entity
- Review method annually, any changes are accounted for prospectively as changes in estimates
- Most common methods:
- Straight-line method (smoothens income)
- Productive output (good matching)
- Declining balance (smoothes total expense when considering depreciation and R&M; based on assumption that newer assets produce more benefits up front)
*Reference: IAS 16.43 - .62 *
Foreign Translation of Foreign Operations (ASPE)
- Integrated foreign operation – foreign operation that is financially or operationally interdependent with the reporting enterprise (whereby the exposure to foreign exchange rate changes is similar to what the reporting enterprise would have experienced)
- Self-sustaining Foreign Operations – foreign operation that is financially or operationally independent of the reporting enterprise (whereby the exposure to foreign exchange rate changes is limited to the net foreign investment)
- Reference: ASPE 1651.03*
Impairment of Assets (IFRS)
- Assess whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. Regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment, must test the following impairment annually:
- Intangible asset with a indefinite useful life or an intangible asset not yet available for use
- Goodwill acquired in a business combination
- Determine if asset is part of a cash generating unit. If so, test cash generating unit for impairment.
- Determine recoverable amount = higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use
- Value in use = discounted future cash flows from continuing use of the asset
- If recoverable amount subsequently increases, can reverse impairment loss to the extent previously recorded (except goodwill, which can never be reversed)
- Reference: IAS 36.09, .10, .12, .18*