Study 7 Key Terms Flashcards
Define application
A request by an insured for insurance. Applications may be done verbally, in writing, or online. The insured provides information relating to the subject for insurance. The insurer then assesses this information and decides whether to accept the risk for insurance and on the terms of such acceptance.
Define applicant
The person or firm requesting insurance. That individual answers verbal questions or completes and signs written forms that contain personal statements about himself.
Define broker of record
The broker currently receiving a commission to handle a policy.
Define disclosure
(1) General—The process of revealing all relevant facts.
(2) Law—The requirement that parties to a litigation disclose relevant information, or the material documents that a party intends to rely on to support his or her case, to the opposing side.
Define representation
A statement or conduct made to influence an insurer to decide on a risk. The decision includes declining or accepting the risk and deciding the rate and premium to be charged. In insurance, these statements are said to be “material to the risk” and are enough to void a policy ab initio (Latin term meaning “from the beginning”).
Define named insured
The person or party designated in the policy as the insured, as opposed to someone who may be covered by the policy but is not specifically named.
Define effective date
The date of inception of an insurance policy, or the date additional coverages become effective.
Define expiry
End of the policy period.
Define loss payee
A person or an entity other than the named insured to whom the proceeds of insurance will be paid
Define mortgagee
A special class of loss payee that has a registered interest on real property offered as security for the money that the mortgagee has loaned the property owner.
Define mortgage clause
A clause in an insurance policy that stipulates the rights and obligations of the insurer and the mortgagee. The main characteristics of this clause are that the mortgagee is granted protection in the event a loss is denied due to the actions of the insured (provided that the mortgagee was not aware of the insured’s wrongful action) and, in return, the mortgagee accepts responsibility to advise the insurer of any misrepresentation or change in risk of which the mortgagee is aware.
Define ratemaking
The process of compiling and analyzing data to establish rates that accurately reflect the level of risk. Usually performed by actuaries.
Define rate
Amount charged to an insured that reflects the expectation of loss for a covered risk, insurance company expenses, and profit. In other words, it is the basis of premium calculation for the insurance provided for the exposure.
Define premium
The price of insurance protection for a specified risk for a specified period of time.
Define law or large numbers
The mathematical premise that states that the degree of uncertainty is reduced as the number of events increases.
Define loss probability
The likelihood of a risk resulting in a loss, taking into account all its various hazards and protections
Define pure premium
Portion of the total premium that is needed to pay expected losses. It does not take into account money needed for company expenses.
Define loading
An additional charge included in an insurance rate to reflect a hazard not contemplated in the basic rate for the class.
Define expense loading
The part of a premium rate that represents the cost to the insurer of producing and maintaining the policy.
Define acquisition cost
The cost of putting business on the books and acquiring the premium. The items involved are not standard with all insurers, but generally may include such items as agents’/ brokers’ commissions, field representatives’ costs, premium tax, and perhaps some of the relevant head office acquisition costs of operation.
Define exposure
The hazard threatening a risk because of external or internal physical conditions.
Define special hazards
Foreseen hazards/risks common to certain types of businesses that are not covered in an ordinary policy. For example, woodworking plants and paint shops.
Define underwriting notes
The rules used by insurance companies to assess the risk they are taking on by insuring a particular customer. These rules are set individually by insurance companies.
Define retention
The amount of liability the ceding company (primary insurer) retains for its own account. It may be a percentage or a dollar amount of each risk.
Define manual rating
A pricing method in which an insurer uses rates that are based on its own experience rather than on that of a specific group for which it is calculating a premium.