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What is an algorithm?
The description of some basic steps to achieve a specified result
f(n) = O(g(n))
The Big-Oh Notation, used to describe the worst case scenario of an algorithm, in terms of time or space taken to execute.
Functions growth rate
1, log n, √n, n, n log n, n2, n3, 2n, 3n etc.
Common things to look for when assessing growth rate
A simple loop from 0 to n (with no internal loops) constitutes O(n) complexity i.e. linear complexity. A nested loop of the same time constitutes O(n2) complexity; i.e. quadratic complexity. A loop in which the controlling parameter is divided by two at each step (and which terminates when it reaches 1) gives O(log n) (logarithmic complexity). The divide and conquer paradigm (later!) which breaks the problem into two instances of size n/2 which must be combined in linear time gives O(n log n).
To say that a method uses recursion is to say that it is defined in terms of itself, and that it calls itself until it hits a basecase. One benefit of a recursion is it is a simpler and more elegant way of implementing naturally recursive data structures such as trees. However, a disadvantage is that it is less efficient than the iterative approach in terms of memory and runtime, as the same method is on the call stack multiple times.
Array Insertion
done by copying all elements from the index position you want to insert at, one place to the right, and then inserting the value into the now empty index. In the worst case, if the index is at the beginning of the array, you are doing n operations so this is O(n).
Linear Search
When you know nothing about the order in which the values are stored, you have to use linear search, in which you inspect the actual values from left to right - 1, and if one matches the value you’re looking for then return its index. In the worst case, not found, you could search through every element O(n)
Binary Search
When you check the midpoint, which either finds the value or gives us a new range to look through, which is half the size. You repeat that recursively. The complexity here is O(log n).
Comparable interface
We can import the comparable interface to define an order for user defined types, which makes it useful for sorting etc. To implement the comparable interface you must include a compareTo method that returns a negative if a is less than b, a positive if a is more than b and 0 if they are equal.
Why there is so many sorting algorithms
Simplicity vs Speed, simple can win on small amounts of data. Worst case and average case performance, knowing when it matters.
Selection Sort
Find the smallest item in the list and swap it with the first item, then find the smallest item in the remainder of the list and swap it with the first item of the remainder. Basically using recursion to create subarrays. Time complexity is O(n2)
Insertion sort
Process the array one element at a time. Insert each new element into its correct position among the previously sorted elements. Time required is O(n2) as we always search up until the position we are currently at and then insert from there until the end of the current subarray/
Better Insertion Sort
When we inset the element from position i, previous elements are sorted and those greater than a[i] need to be moved forward. So read backwards from position i, moving elements forward until the necessay hole opens up in which to place a[i], which we need to store in advance since it will be written over in the first step. If a is nearly sorted this works really well and performance is more like O(n) than O(n2).
‘True’ Random numbers (bits, integers)
Are generated by obsevation of some unpredictable physical process. This is a slow and computationally expensive process that required special purpose hardware until recently.
Pseudo-random numbers
Numbers generated as a sequence by a specific deterministic mathematical algorithm. Although they appear unpredictable when observed, if the initial seed is known as well as the algorithm, you can predict them 100% accurately. So very fast, but not actually random at all.In java there are three ways to access pseudo randomness, through Math.random() which returns a double value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0
java.util.Random class is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers using a 48bit seed. The class provides a cryptographically strong random number generator.
The complexity of choose a card method
Since we might need to loop at every card in the deck, to pick the last one, then the complexity is at worst O(n).
Collection in Java
The complexity of choose a card method
Since we might need to loop at every card in the deck, to pick the last one, then the complexity is at worst O(n).
Collection in Jav
IN an object oriented context, it’s an object that gathers and organizes other objects, and defines the way in which those elements can be accessed and manged. It specifies and limits the ways in which the user may interact with the collection.
Types of Collection
In java, there are linear and non-linear collections. In a linear collection, the organization is in a straight line and we have natural notions of precedence and indexing (such as arrays) . In a non-linear collection the organization might be more complex (like in a tree or network) or not present,
The way in which elements are organized is usually determined by the sequence in which they are added to the collection as well as some other inherent relationship such as ordering.
Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
An ADT is a data type whose intended use is specified by its interface. A data structure is the collection of programming structures (methods, data fields) used to implement an ADT (or collection) The data structure that implements an ADT can be changed without changing the interface, and therefore in a way that does not affect any client programs.
Concerns of efficiency come about in evaluating which data structures to use when implementing an ADT, and will generally not be one-sided, as there are costs and benefits associated with a particular choice of implementation.
A method of hiding certain details at certain times. As a result, the user can focus on mre important issues and not be concerned with the messy details. Often, abstractions focus on the interface to a process or structure rather than the structure itself. For collections, abstractions provide a powerful method of ensuring consistent and clean access and manipulation without having to worry about irrelevant details.
A method of hiding certain details at certain times. As a result, the user can focus on mre important issues and not be concerned with the messy details. Often, abstractions focus on the interface to a process or structure rather than the structure itself. For collections, abstractions provide a powerful method of ensuring consistent and clean access and manipulation without having to worry about irrelevant details.
application programming interfaces, which much of the Java library is organized into. An API is typically a collection of ADTs (interfaces) together with some specific data structure to implement them. One such is the Java Collections API, which represents specific types of collections. We should bother to learn beyond the API though, as the collection type we want might not be there, or we may have a special implementation is mind because of special conditions. We need to understand the issues involved.
Because type checking occurs at compile time in Java, a key question about collections is: collections of what?
In early versions of Java any sort of collection was fine provided it was an object, but this caused casting or silly wrapper classes. As of Java 5.0 generic types are specified with collections. It means we can specify the type of object the collection will hold - access to the collection will return objects of that type, and only objects of that type can be added to the collection
Stack ADT
A last in, first out collection. An analogy is a stack of papers to process, or a stack of dishes to wash. The basic operations are push: which adds an item to the stack, and pop: which removes and returns an item from the stack. These are also usually extended by allowing Peek, which examines the top item of the stack and convenience methods to return the size and an emptiness test.
Using a stack to sort
Stacks can be used to (partially) sort an incoming stream of objects, the algorithm being as follows: compare the next incoming item with the top of the stack, if it is smaller push it onto the stack, otherwise pop the stack until the top is larger than the input (or is empty) and then push it onto the stack. When all the input has been processed, pop each remaining item off the stack.
Implementation of the Stack ADT
Cna use an array to keep track of the stack contents, and a variable count to keep track of the size of the stack. Problems include that you have to declare array size and it cannot change, this can be combated by using ArrayList or copying the the contents of the array over to a new array of double the size, once it gets full.
Performance analysis of the Stack implementation
For space complexity, we intially allocate O(1) space because of the default capacity, then later when we expand capacity we never have more than twice as much available as needed, so that’s O(n) where n is the maximum number of items we ever include in the stack.
Time for pop, peek, isEmpty are all clearly O(1), and the push operation is also O(1), except when we need to expand the stack. Although it seems unfair to associate the cost of stack expansion to the single item that caused it, we do have to say that the push operation can be O(n).
However, we can practically think of the cost of expanasion as being spread over all elements present when it happens. Since there are n elements present, and the expansion is O(n) is means in an amortized sense the push operation is still O(1).
The peek and pop operations need to do somethong on empty stacks, so one solution would be to have them return null in these cases, which is actually not bad. But in the spirit of ADTs these operations should produce exceptions and the user should use a try catch.
Each ADT tends to come with its own subclasses of exception to describe the exceptions it might generate.
Stack Interface:
public void push (T element) public T pop(); public T peek(); public boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); public String toString();
References as links
In Java, a reference refers to a memory location in which the complete data for an object is stored. In other languages are called pointers and a clear distinction is drawn between objects and references to objects.
A reference to an oject of the same or closely related type is often called a link, and a collection of linked objects is called a linked data structure.
Simple linked list
A linked list consists of a sequence of nodes connected via links. Each node, except the last has a successor and each node except the first has a predecessor. Each node contains a single element, and links (i.e references) to its successor and/or predecessor. The key difference with an arrray is that by manipulating the lunks we can change the structure of the list - not just the values it stores. A linked list is a dynamic data structure.