Study Flashcards
Contraindications for Massage
- Severe Distress
- Systemic Edema
- Acute Conditions
- Over recent surgery
- Increased circulation is not desired
- Contagious skin conditions
- Over foreign bodies or sharp bony prominences
- Over areas of active bone growth
- Over areas of decreased sensation
- Tuberculosis
- Over pregnant abdomen
Paraffin Bath contraindications
- Severe Cardiac disease
- Over malignacy
- Sepsis
Intermittent Compression Contraindications
- Thrombophlebitis
- Cellulitis
- Severe Congestive heart failure
Electrotherapy Precautions
- Check equipment
- Change intensities slowly
- Always turn down intensity before changing parameters
- Avoid concentrations of current (skin cuts, creases in electrodes, poor contact)
- Avoid dispersal of current
Vapocoolant Sprays Precautions
- Do not spray near face, open wounds, or abraded skin
- use care with poor circulation or insensitive skin
- do not freeze the skin
- vapocoolants are for external use only.
Pool Therapy Precautions
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Possible infection sites
- Orthostatic hypotension
Contrast Baths Contraindications
- Cardiovascular problems
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Tendency toward hemorrhage
Precautions of Message
- Hematomas
- Non-union fractures
- Herniated Disks
- Debilitated patients
- Malignancies
- Conditions w/ colagen weakening
Ultrasound Contraindications
- Where heat is not indicated
- Hemophiliac patients
- Over DVT
- Over neoplasm
- Over the pregnant uterus
- Over the eyes
- Over the heart
- Near a pacemaker
- Over growth plates
Hot packs precautions
- Insensitive patient
- Spinal cord injury
Spinal Traction Contraindications
- Structural fault due to tumor or infection
- Of cervical spine in patients with vascular compromise of vertebral artery
- Where movement is contraindicated (fracture)
- Of cervical spine in patients with RA
- Of cervical spine in patient with a major neck injury
- Until fracture of the odontoid process has been ruled out.
Cryotherapy Contraindications
- Severe coronary artery disease
- Severe hypertension
- Rheumatoid conditions
- Patients with cold hypersensitivity
- Vasospastic Disorders
Contrast Baths Precautions
Loss of sensation
Hypersensitivity to temperature
Ultrasound Precautions
- Over healing fracture
- Over the spinal cord
- Over metal implants
Paraffin Bath Precautions
- Insensitive patient
- spinal cord injury
Electrotherapy Contraindications
- Cardiac Pacemaker
- Cardiac Arrythmia
- Over the Carotid Artery
- Hypersensitive patients
- Pregnancy
Hydrotherapy Contraindications
- Severe Cardiac disease
- Over malignacy
- Sepsis
Cryotherapy Precautions
- Paralyzed patients
- Coma patients
- Any coldon skin > 1 hour
- Ice over superficial nerves
Hydrotherapy Precautions
- Insensitive patient
- Spinal cord injury
Spinal Traction Precautions
- Acute strains
- Pregnancy
- Osteoporosis
- Hiatal hernia w/ pelvic traction
- Claustrophobic patients
Laser Contraindications
- Do not treat tumors or cancerous lesions
- Pregnancy is a precaution for legal reasons
- Dont apply over the thyriod due to selective uptake of energy by iodine
- Do not treat bacterial infections
- Do not treat patients who are on immunosuppressant drugs
- Do not continue treatment if the patient feels pain or weakness
- Do not treat patients who are taking medications who warn to avoid bright sunlight
Pool Therapy Contraindications
- Open wounds
- Incontinence
- Patients with isolation precautions
- Uncontrolled Seizures
- Severe Cardiac disease
Laser Precautions
- Do not look at the beam or allow patients to do so.
- Have a “danger laser” sign
- Turn the laser off before removing it from the skin
- The PT and patient should wear protective safety goggles
- Do not treat until 2 weeks after steriod injection \
- Be careful over tattoos as dyes may absorb light and become hot
- Use care with children due to sensitive skin.
Vapocoolant Sprays Contraindications
- Hypersensitivity to 11133, pentafloropropane, 1112 tetraethane
- Diabetes