Studies Flashcards
Milgram’s Findings
100% of Ps continue to 300V.
65% of participants continued to the full 450V.
14 participants were disobedient and walked out.
Piliavin’s Procedure
4 teams of 4 researchers (2 female observers, 2 males, one a victim and another a model).
The victims were 3 black and 1 white, General studies students.
The victim stood near a pole in the critical area, after about 70 seconds he staggered and collapsed. Until receiving help he remained on the floor.
If no help was offered either 70 second or 150 seconds the model would stand in.
Similarities between Piliavin and Levine
Data was collected in the field.
Participants did not know they were taking part in the psychological research.
Data collected in urban settings.
The person seemingly in need of help was a young male.
Differences between Piliavin and Levine
Whereas all the data collected for Piliavin et al.’s study was collecting in one country, Levine et al. collected it from 23 different countries.
Piliavin et al. were collecting their data in 1968, whereas Levine et al collected it in 1997.
Pilavin et al. collected their data in a confined subway setting, Levine et al. collected their data up on the street.
Where as Piliavin et al. collected all their data on helping behaviour in relation to just one helping scenario, Levine et al. collected theirs in relation to three scenarios.
Moray’s Procedure, experiment 1.
Shadowed prose message.
A list of words was spoken 25 times as the ‘rejected’ or ‘blocked’ message in the other ear.
At the end of the shadowing task participants were asked to recall all they could remember from the rejected message.
After the completion of the shadow tasks, participants were given a recognition test of 21 words, 7 in the shadowed passage, 7 in the rejected message and the last 7 were in neither.
Moray’s Procedure, experiment 2.
Participants shadowed ten short passages of light fiction.
Rejected messages were played in the other ear which were not attended to, Moray wanted to find out of these messages would be heard if it included their name.
Moray’s Procedure, experiment 3.
Digits were inserted to each passage in a random way.
First group remembered as many numbers as they could
Second group told they would be asked questions on rejected.
Simons and Chabris’ Procedure.
21 experimenters tested the participants. After viewing the video they were asked to write down the number of passes. They were then asked the following additional questions:
(i) While you were doing the counting, did you notice anything unusual in the video?
(ii) Did you notice anything other than the six players?
(iii) Did you see a gorilla/woman carrying an umbrella walk across the screen?
Bandura’s Procedure, Phase 1.
Phase 1:
Children left in a room with model.
The aggressive model physically and verbally abused the Bobo doll using a standardised procedure.
Bandura’s Procedure, Phase 2.
Phase 2:
Children were taken into room on their own and allowed to play with attractive toys but after about two minutes the experimenter took the toys away saying they were reserved for other children
Bandura’s Procedure, Phase 3.
Children were then taken individually into a third room which contained both aggressive and non-aggressive toys.
Observed in a one may mirror for 20 mins, recorded on imitative aggression (physical, verbal and non-aggressive speech), partially imitative aggression, non-imitative physical and verbal aggression and non-aggressive behaviour.
How does Kohlberg relate to the key theme and Lee?
Developmental because it is investigating how, as people get older, the
nature of their moral thinking can be seen to evolve, potentially passing
through six distinct stages of moral development. It is suggesting that this
occurs in line with cognitive development and that it occurs irrespective of
the culture a person is growing up in.
How does Lee relate to the key theme and Kohlberg?
A cross-cultural study which challenges Kohlberg’s suggestion that the development of moral thinking is unaffected by the culture a child grows up in. Lee et al show the impact of culture through Chinese and Canadian children’s evaluations of lying and truth-telling. It also investigates the impact that a child’s age has on their evaluations of lying and truth-telling,
and its use of a cross-sectional approach contrasts nicely with Kohlberg’s
longitudinal approach.
What was the background to Gould’s Study?
In 1905 the first intelligence test was developed and was adapted for use in the USA, it was known as the Stanford-Binet test.
Colonel Yerkes during WW1 developed an intelligence test for recruits to the army.
Hancock’s Procedure?
Prisoners identified as psychopathic by prison psychologist
Participants were then interviewed. At the beginning of the interview, the purpose of the study and the procedure were verbally explained.
While being audio-taped, participants were asked to describe their homicide offences in as much detail as possible. In this open-ended interviewing procedure.
Interviews lasted about 25 minutes