Student sub-cultures Flashcards
How are anti school sub-cultures formed
Hargreaves (1967):
- formed when children need status and validation from their peers
- predominantly in lower sets/streams
What has happened to the complexity of male sub-cultures since the 1970s?
Hollingworth & Williams (2009):
- working class anti school sub-cultures now labelled as “chavs” rather than “lads” by middle class peers
- greater diversity of middle class sub-cultures in school based on leisure (emos, posh)
How do female subcultures differ from male subcultures?
Griffin (1985):
- Female deviance more identified through sexual behaviour rather than trouble making
Mirza (1992):
- Female subcultures have positive attitude to school
What do ethnic subcultures formed in schools suggest?
- some black boys reject school in favour of having street credibility; may be because they feel their school does not value their culture