Dovolte mi predstavit sa
Let me introduce myself
Tesim sa, ze sa opat uvidime
I am looking forward to seeing you again
Pozdravuj mamu
say hallo to mom
Vsetci sa povazuju za anglicanov
They all consider themselves to be English
To je velmi pohodlne
This is very convenient
Budem hladat tak dlho, pokial nenajdem toho praveho
I ´ll keep on looking until I have found Mr. Right
Znie to desivo, vsak?
It sounds scary, doesn ´t it?
Ona pracuje?
Does she work?
Do you smoke?
Mali ste sa dobre?
Did you have a good time?
Kam isli?
Where did they go?
Rad by som vedel …
I would like to know
bol tu maly problem
there was a slight problem
tiez videla jeho uzasne oci
she also saw his georgeus eyes
Toto mala na pamati
she kept this in mind