Student Guide Part I (Unit 4) Flashcards
What are the critical skills that students will develop in the ‘Understanding Regulations’ course?
Students will develop skills necessary to locate, interpret, and apply regulatory rules, including the FAR and DFARS.
What is required for students to be successful in the ‘Understanding Regulations’ course?
Students must develop effective habits and skills, participate actively in classroom activities, complete all assignments, and arrive punctually.
What is the primary focus of the course ‘Understanding Regulations’?
The primary focus is to provide foundational knowledge of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) System and its application in contracting.
What skills must students demonstrate to achieve the TLO?
Students must demonstrate the ability to legally implement solutions and manage risk while satisfying contract requirements and obligations, and cite the appropriate regulation(s) that supports the solution in a DoD acquisition scenario.
What is the purpose of the CON 1100V course?
The purpose of the course is to develop the skills necessary to locate, cite, interpret, and apply the policies and procedures in the FAR and DFARS that are applicable to DoD acquisitions.
What is the Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) of the course?
The TLO is to navigate the DoD contracting doctrine to arrive at an appropriate solution.
What does the CLC 113 module cover?
CLC 113 presents the basic information about the DFARS PGI.
What does the CON 100 course provide to new contracting personnel?
The CON 100 course provides new contracting personnel with a broad understanding of the DoD contracting environment, including typically used business arrangements.
What is the FAR?
The FAR is a regulation codified in Title 48, Chapter 1 of the Code of Federal Regulations that governs a Federal Government process called ‘acquisition.’
What is the process of ‘acquisition’ as defined by the FAR?
‘Acquisition’ is the process of buying goods and services for the Federal Government’s use.
Which agencies are subject to the FAR?
Many executive branch agencies, particularly the Department of Defense, are subject to the FAR.
What does the FAR cover?
The FAR covers the regulations and requirements necessary for the acquisition of goods and services by the Federal Government.
What is the role of competent acquisition professionals in relation to the FAR?
While compliance with the FAR ensures that an agency’s actions are legal, it does not guarantee a good business deal, which requires the skill and judgment of competent acquisition professionals.
What does the FAR generally require agencies to obtain when soliciting offers and awarding contracts?
The FAR generally requires agencies to obtain ‘full and open competition’ when soliciting offers and awarding contracts.
What is the primary purpose of the FAR in the Federal Acquisition Regulations System?
The FAR serves as the primary document for the codification and publication of uniform policies and procedures for acquisition by all executive agencies.
How do agencies obtain their rulemaking authority under the FAR?
Agencies obtain their rulemaking authority from laws/statutes enacted by Congress or authority delegated by the President.
Is the FAR an instructional guide for purchasing goods and services?
No, the FAR is not an instructional guide for purchasing goods and services; it is used to determine what courses of action are permissible.
What agencies are subject to the FAR?
The FAR applies to most executive agencies, although some executive agencies and their organizational components are exempt from the FAR.
What types of acquisitions does the FAR apply to?
The FAR applies to acquisitions of supplies and services with appropriated funds by most executive branch agencies.
Does the FAR apply to legislative and judicial branch agencies?
No, the FAR does not apply to legislative branch agencies or judicial branch agencies, although they may adopt the FAR as a matter of policy.
Which agencies are generally subject to the FAR when making purchases?
Executive branch agencies are generally subject to the FAR when making certain purchases.
What does the term ‘acquisition’ mean according to FAR 2.101?
Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services by and for the use of the Federal Government, including the entire process from establishing agency needs to contract performance and administration.
According to FAR 2.101, what is included in the definition of ‘supplies’?
Supplies include all property except land or interest in land, such as public works, buildings, ships, aircraft, machine tools, and the alteration or installation of these items.
How does FAR define a service contract?
A service contract is defined as a contract that directly engages the time and effort of a contractor whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item of supply.
What are some examples of areas where service contracts may be found according to FAR?
Examples include maintenance, overhaul, repair, servicing, rehabilitation, salvage, modernization, or modification of supplies, systems, or equipment.
What are appropriated funds?
Appropriated funds are funds paid out of the United States Treasury that are charged to an appropriation provided by or derived from an act of Congress, allowing for the incurrence of obligations and payments for specified purposes.
What types of services are included under FAR 37.101?
Routine recurring maintenance of real property, housekeeping and base services, advisory and assistance services, operation of Government-owned equipment, communications services, architect-engineering, transportation and related services, and research and development.
What is the authority of contracting officers as defined in FAR 1.602-1?
Contracting officers have the authority to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings, but they can only bind the Government to the extent of the authority delegated to them.
What must contracting officers ensure before entering into a contract according to FAR 1.602-1?
Contracting officers must ensure that all requirements of law, executive orders, regulations, and all other applicable procedures, including clearances and approvals, have been met.
What are the consequences for contracting officers acting outside the scope of their authority?
Contracting officers acting outside the scope of their authority can be held personally liable for their actions.
Why is it important for contracting officers to comply with the FAR?
It is important for contracting officers to comply with the FAR because their actions must be authorized; otherwise, they risk being unauthorized and potentially liable for their actions.
How many subchapters are there in the FAR?
There are eight subchapters in the FAR identified using the letters A - H.
What are the components of FAR subpart 1.1?
The components of FAR subpart 1.1 include sections like 1.101 – Purpose and 1.102 – Statement of guiding principles for the Federal Acquisition System.
What is the first division of the FAR?
The first division of the FAR is the subchapter.
What is an example of a division within FAR part 1?
FAR part 1 is divided into subparts such as Subpart 1.1 – Purpose, Authority, Issuance.
What does FAR subpart 1.1 cover?
FAR subpart 1.1 covers Purpose, Authority, Issuance.
How many parts are there in the FAR?
There are 53 parts in the FAR.
What is the second division of the FAR?
The second division of the FAR is the part.
What does the FAR numbering system allow for?
The FAR numbering system permits the discrete identification of every FAR paragraph.
What sections are included in FAR subpart 1.1?
FAR subpart 1.1 includes sections numbered 1.101 through 1.110, with further subdivisions in sections 1.102 and 1.105.
Can the FAR be subdivided below the section or subsection level?
Yes, the FAR can be subdivided below the section or subsection level to identify individual paragraphs.
What is the sequence used for subdivisions below the section or subsection level in the FAR?
The sequence used for subdivisions below the section or subsection level consists of parenthetical alpha numerics: (a)(1)(i)(A)(1)(i)(A).
What does the citation format 22.1012 - 2 represent in terms of parts, subparts, sections, and subsections?
In the citation 22.1012 - 2, 22 represents the part, 10 represents the subpart, 12 represents the section, and 2 represents the subsection.
When citing a part or subpart in the FAR, what words should be included?
You should include the words ‘part’ and ‘subpart’ in the citation.