STS Flashcards
He uses the word dinosaurs to describe the terrible lizards
Richard Owen
He said that earth is covered with impregnable ice
Louis Agassiz
Birds could have involved from the now extinct dinosaurs
Thomas Henry Huxley
He was able to solve problems through periodic table of elements
Dmitri Mendeleev
Benzone Molecule
August Kekule
Spontaneous life could not be done
Louis Pasteur
Completed the full list of atomic weights
Jons Jakob Berzelius
Potential use of atomic weights
John Dalton
Said that light fast traveled in air than water
Hippolyte Fizeau & Leon Facault
Doppler Effect to Binary Starts
Christian Doppler
Wavelife interference
Thomas Young
Wilhem Rontgen
Thermometer Spectrum
William Herschel
Connection of mathematics and electromagnetism
Clerk Maxwell
First electric motor
Michael Faraday and Scottish James
Electricy and magnetism
Danish Hans Christian Orsted
Creation of new proffesion other than philosophy
William Whewell
Invented electric battery
Alessandro Volta
Thomas Maltus
Comex structure of plants and insects
Christian Sprengel
One of the proponent of Theory of Evolution
George Louis Leclerc
Earth was a little bit older than anyone had previously believed.
James Hutton