STS Flashcards
Is man’s moral obligation to preserve the
environment and the natural order of things.
Environmental Ethics
The environmental values and issues
surrounding societal attitudes, actions, and
policies to protect and sustain biodiversity and
ecological system.
Environmental Ethics
Human beings are the most important entity in the
universe. This is usually called human supremacy.
All things both living and non living things have intrinsic value. Intrinsic
value means the fundamental, objective value contained in an object.
God is the central aspect of life. The meaning and value
of actions done to people or environment are
attributed to god.
Human beings hold more value in the environment
since their mental capacities are better developed than
any other element in the environment.
All living things have intrinsic value. This belief
embraces vegetarianism, anti-deforestation, anti fur
trade and anti animal testing.
The parts of a system are interconnected and
interdependent. A change in one part affects the whole
The purpose of the environment is to serve human
All other animals species are inferior. Giving humans
greater rights than animals is acceptable.
the earth is at the center of the universe, with the sun, the planets, and the stars
revolving around the earth.
is the true value of an asset.
Intrinsic value
is the means by which we achieve
our end goals like being polite and obedient. It is
inherently rewarding.
Instrumental value
5 Harmful Effects of Science & Technology to the
The awareness of man’s true place as a
dependent member of the biotic community. Its
basic principle is “a thing is right when it tends
to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of
the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends
otherwise” (Disch, 1969).
Ecological Conscience
Facts about Filipinos on technology usage
- Mobile phone subscription is at 119 million as of 2018.
- Filipinos spend 3.2 hours on mobile and 5.2 hours on
desktop daily. - The Philippines has one of the highest digital populations
in the world as of 2018. - There are 47 million active Facebook accounts in the
Philippines as of 2018. - The Philippines is the fastest growing application market
in Southeast Asia as of 2018.
Filipino Household Ownership of
Technological Devices (In order)
- Mobile Phones (89%)
- Smartphone (53%)
- Desktop (39%)
- Laptop/Notebook (37%)
- Tablet (14%)
- Smart TV (4%)
Ethical Dilemma Faced by
Technological Advances
- Children become lazy and unhealthy.
- Declining Morality.
- Alienation and detachment.
is an actuated mechanism programmable in two
or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform intended tasks.
means the ability to perform intended tasks based
on current state and sensing without human intervention.
is a robot that performs useful tasks for
humans or equipment excluding industrial automation
A service robot
a robot may be classified according to its
intended application as?
industrial robot or service robot.
is used for noncommercial task, usually by
A personal service robot
is used for commercial task,
usually operated by a properly trained operator.
professional/commercial service robot
is used on industries in producing products such
as cars, appliances, processed foods.
An industrial robot
is a
person designed to start, monitor, and stop the intended operation of
a robot or robot system.
Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Robots
- Safety and Accountability.
- Rights of the Robots.
- Emotions
is a process of change
involving a society’s level of innovation,
transmission and technological advances.
Sociocultural Evolution
Humans look for food by chasing an animal while holding a weapon or
picking/gathering fruits informally in the forest or open field.
Humans are watching over a group of animals in an open field such as
sheeps, goats and cows.
Humans are planting corns and rice in the fields and know how to take
care, harvest and sell these crops.
Human are working in the manufacturing factories.
Lesser women and children die during birth due to technology. Medical care
for premature infants allows them to survive and develop normally while
proper maternal care ensures that mothers can fully recover and remain
Mortality Rate
The longevity of life is due to medicine to combat diseases.
Average Lifespan
People are more educated due to good educational system.
Literacy Rate
Country’s high income is brought by high productivity, an indicator of
presence of technology.
Gross Domestic Product
It is based on expansion of education, technology,
industry and urban life. It has a complex culture
changing with time. The characteristics of a
modern society are consumerism and
materialism. The expansion of global capitalism
has led to a culture where people are encouraged
to buy goods and services often results in growing
Modern Society