Structures and Building allowance Flashcards
What is SBA
SBA allowance allows a capital allowance of 3% on qualifying expenditure incurred on or after the 29th October 2018 on the construction of a building or struture in qualfying use
When does the allowance start
From the later of: expenditure is incurred or the asset is brough into use.
This needs to be time apportioned
Qualifying expenditure
Capital expenditure incrred on the construction of the building or struture
Also includes expenditure on land prep and land demolition. Professional fee for deisgn / construction
But not expenditure on land, aquiring land or planning premission
Other rules
Purpose for business
1st use non residential
Claimed on tax return.
Allowance statement must be kept outlining..
the date of construction
the date it is brought into use
value of qualifying expenditure
What happens when the building is sold
No balancing adjustment.
The remaining allowance is passed on to the purchaser
Any SBA claimed is added to the proceeds in effect clawing back any relief
more of a cash flow relief however most industrical properties are sold at a loss.