Structured program development Flashcards
A procedure for solving a problem in terms of the ordered actions.
Developing an algorithm using everyday enlgish.
Sequential execution
When statements are normally executed one after another in order in which they’re are written.
Transfer of control
A C statement that allows you to execute a statement that is farther down the source code.
All programs can be written in terms of what?
Sequence (process), selection (if), and iteration (loop) control structures.
Flow chart
A graphical representation of an algorithm.
Diamond symbol
Indicates that a decision is to be made.
Single selection statement.
Double selection statement.
Case (switch)
Multiple selection statement.
What are the 3 types of iteration statements?
1) While loop
2) Do….while loop
3) For loop
Allows you to connect multiple control statements.
Decision symbol (rhombus) contains what?
An expression, such as a condition, that can either be true or false.
If decision statement evaluates to 0, it is?
a. True
b. False
If decision statement evaluates to non zero, it is?
a. True
b. False