Structured interview and unstructured interviews Flashcards
Name the 3 studies of structured interview
Young and Wilmot
Goldthorpe and Lockwood
British crime survey for England and Wales
What was Goldthorpe and Lockwood study?
The Oxford mobility study
Where they interviewed over 10,000 men in England and Wales
They placed these men into seven different social classes which were based upon their market situation
These classes were usually grouped into three clusters
The service class involves experts and specialists who fill up the important positions
British crime survey for England and Wales
This measured crimes since 1981
This was used alongside police crime data
And measures crime by asking the public about their experiences of crime over the last 12 months
Done over the phone or in the home
This year 40,000 households will be invited on average to take part in these
Example of unstructured interviews
Dobash and dobash
Dean and Taylor Gooby
Dobash and dobash
Used statistics from police court records in Scotland to find information on domestic violence victims
They carried out an in-depth and structured interview some which took eight hours
They found the trigger for domestic violence was when a woman challenged male authority
They argued that marriage legitimises violent against women by giving men power and authority over the wives
Dean and taylor gooby
Used unstructured tape recorded interviews to investigate experiences of unemployment
Involved 85, claimants with interviews lasting up to 90 minutes
Questions were not put in any set order
The wording of the questions were adapted to fit the circumstances of the interview situation
Questions that were inappropriate were taken out by the interviewer and he used discretion by being able to use additional questions to clarify things if needed
This approach gave interviewees the freedom to talk in their own terms about issues that concern them