Structure of government under Lenin Flashcards
How was the communist party organised?
- Politburo
- Central committee membership.
- Congress membership
- City and provincial parties
- Local parties
How was the soviet government organised?
- Sovnarkom
- Central executive committee
- All Russian congress of soviets membership
- Provincial and city soviets membership
- Local and district district soviets membership.
What was the Sovnarkom? (GOV)
-key decision makers
-‘peoples commissioners with specific jobs’
-Trotsky- FP, Stalin- nationalities.
What is the simplified Bolshevik structure of government?
1.The all Russian Congress of Soviets and the central executive committee
2. The Sovnarkom
3. The Cheka.
What was the Cheka?
-used to prevent counter-revolutionary movements.
The All- Russian congress of soviets and the central executive committee?
-congress supposed to be main organ of government
-commissioners supposed to be answerable to committee.
-but menchavicks and SR’s removed from committee so it was dominated by Bolshevicks.
Which elections made the Sovnarkom members seem democratic?
-village soviets chose representatives for district soviets.
-District soviets picked provincial soviets
-Provincial soviets picked members of the Sovnarkom.
How did the Bolshevik party organisation resemble that of the new government structure?
-local meetings to encourage grass-roots support.
-Cell members elected to town or district committees
-Committees provided members to annual party congress
-congress chose members to form the party central executive committee.
What was the central executive committee responsible for?
-The Politburo
-The Orgburo
-The Ogburo
What was the Orgubro?
organised party affairs.
What was the Oburo?
maintaining order and dealing with opposition.
What was the Politburo?
-A small group of elite Bolsheviks responsible for formulating policy.
-dominated the central commitee.
What did the Bolsheviks promote the party as?
-one that would create an eggetarian society based on democratic socialism.
Who were all the key government posts held by?
-senior Bolsheviks. (leading ‘cadres’).
What happened to opposition during the civil war?
- was eradicated, anyone in politics needed approval by the Bolshevik party.
What was membership to the communist party seen as?
- a privilege
How many communist party members 1921 and 1928?