Structure/form Poetry In Tennyson Flashcards
Regular form- stasis
Iambic tetrameter
Series of elegies form totality
Arch rhymed quatrains give form sense of unity reflects fluctuating movement of grief-reflects stasis cycle
Regular rhyme scheme
Iambic tetrameter, octosyllabic
Despite structural restrictions very powerful emotions conveyed
Blank verse
The Outcast
Regular form- reflects stasis
What are the 3 areas which are covered by In memoriam in the nature of grievance
Personal, universal and cosmic/evolutionary
the charge of the light brigade
Ballad-narrative poem Refrain and rhythm Simplicity and bluntness in metre Use of repetition give movement and pace Short lines voice rapidity
Golden years
Blank verse
How does golden year use naturalistic imagery to reflect the themes?
Annual movement of universe contextualised within deeper sense of geological time, through metaphors such as ‘ebb and flow’ of the oceans tide
How is tennysons fantasy in the golden years, interrupted?
Drifitng away from the beauty of Snowdonia speaker registers how landscape is changing because of mans industry. Sounds of dynamite movingly through onomatopoeia, parathyroid and repetition of hard consonants
How is Vivienne described?
Alliterative and deploys internet half rhymes and assonance
Merlin and Vivien
Blank verse
Dramatic monologue: varying metre and mood
Sonnet form: hero faced with new disturbing experience
Protocinematic form
How is the romantic scene in maud described?
Gentle romanticism, jealous possessiveness
Sonorous with half and full rhymes. Imagery of nature reflects lovers state of mind
How is the speakers madness reflected in maud?
Speakers hysterical outbursts speech rhythm of madness
Hallucinogenic quality: my heart is a handful of dust
Nightmarish sense of delusion combined with allegory of death
How is sound, repetition, onomatopoeia and assonance used to convey limited reality?
Creates busy rhythm to reflect brain
What is paradoxical about mauds vulgar conclusion?
Find peace in war-new moral self hood through national identity
To E Fitzgerald
Epistolary form
Rhyming couplets in 8 syllable lines
Northern Farmer
Heroic couplets, set in quatrains
What is the refrain of Northern farmer?
Lass lass with long round vowels- becomes refrain
Crossing the bar
Line length imitates tides rolling back and forth
What effect does emjambment have in In Memoriam
Meditative feeling as if thoughts run on
Lotos eaters
Spenserian narrative stanza
What is the signifanxe of the word and in his poetry?
Dream-like state of reliving the past
What influence is shown by the pre raphaelites
State of stasis and suspended animation.
Readily lent itself to Pre-Raphaelites
Aimed at high realist detail and typological detail
How does Tennyson use Parnassians style?
Extensive use of classicism ad romanticism
Overall atmosphere of cultural tradition and memory produced through allusion
Archaic language-creating another poetic world
Locksley hall
Trochaic heroic couplets or trochaic heptameter
Inverting syntax
Putting verb before subject slows down pace
How are metaphors of geological change applies to the social sphere?
erosion of the aristocracy as a result of the global gradual change
Utililitarian values
When ever hour must sweat her sixty minutes to the death
The splendour falls
Lyric Rhyme Phonetic intensives Figurative language Alliteratipn and assonance
Tears, idle, tears
Elegiac poem
Blank verse
How is the mood in now sleeps the crimson petal achieved?
Dreamy and soft, inviting and sensous with a number of liquid consonance
Opposition of passion and purity
Contrasting colours
Figurative language