structure and function of the lower urinary tract part 2 W2 Flashcards
features of normal bladder function?
bladder responsible for storage of urine
voiding initiated when bladder contains 300ml and it is socially convenient
normal pattern is 300-400ml, 4-5 per day (<7)
no urgency or incontinence
bladder diary?
collected by patient over 3 days
monitors input and output
most informative chart
storage LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms)?
UI (urinary incontinence)
voiding LUTS?
poor flow
terminal dribbling
what can increased urinary production (polyuria) (type of storage LUTS) indicate?
DM/DI, excess fluid intake
what can decreased bladder capacity (type of storage LUTS) be due to?
reduced compliance
reduced functional capacity
neurogenic bladder
nocturnal frequency
normal nocturnal function?
<2x per night
what can nocturia be due to
ageing bladder
BOO (bladder outflow obstruction)
decreased compliance
dietary habits
effect of ageing on renal system?
renal concentrating ability decreases with age. increased renal blood flow at night (because less is being absorbed) leading to increased urine production
nocturnal polyuria?
production of more than 1/3 of 24-hour urine output between midnight and 0800
what are voiding symptoms due to
decreased force of micturition usually second to bladder outlet obstruction (BOO)
underactive/hypercontractile bladder
what is hesitancy
delay in start of micturition
what is intermittency? what can this be caused by?
involuntary start/stop
can be caused by prostatic enlargement
what is post void dribble? what is it caused by?
release of small amount of urine after micturition
caused by release of urine retained in bulbar/prostatic urethra