What is structural transformation?
Reallocation of economic activity across agriculture, manufacturing and services
Why does structural transformation matter?
1) Development accounting shows that sectoral productvity differences explain more than 1/2 of cross country income disparities
2) involves changes in relative wages across sectors- convergence of regional wages reduces inequality
3) source of growth: resources move out of low productivity sectors to high
Reasons for cross country income differeces”
- lower productivity in agriculture
- hgiher shares of emplyoment in low productivity sectors
- low productivity in non agricultural sectors
Encouraging structural transformation
policy intervention can encourage structural transformation away from low productivity agriculture
Examoles of policy intervention
1) Broadening access to education - lower costs of obtaining non agricultural skills
2) Infrastructure - increase transportation, decrease travel costs and promote movement - prevent agricultural workers being stuck in rural areas
3) Improving agricultural productivity: new tech- reduce labour intensive prodiction, increase workers seekingn more productive work
Empirical patterns of development
As incmoe per capita increases:
- decrease share of agriculutre
- increase share of services
-humpshaped share of manufacturing
The Lewis model
shows how surplus labourfrom a low productivity agricultural sector can be increasingly absorbed by a growing modern sector
Assumptions of lewis model
- nonhomothetic preferences: low income elasticities of demand for agriculture, high income elasticities of deamnd for services
- differential productivity growth across sectors: fast growing sectors pull reosurces in
Two sectors in lewis model
- modern capitalist sector
- traditional subsistence agricultural secotr
Overview of the Lewis model
- agricultural sector = unlimited supply of labour
- when marginal productivity of labour driven down to 0, labour can drain away from sector without reducing output
- modern sector profits reinvested into capital, increases profits by drawing more surplus labour away from agricultural sector
Modern sector expansion
- shaded area= inital modern sector profits
- as we leave the SR, Lewis assumes modern sector capitalists reinvest profits into capital - KM1 TO KM2
- Increase in capital increases marginal productivity of labour - D1KM1 - D2KM2
-profit max moves from f to g - Surplus labour drawn in from agricultural sector, labour increases from L1 to L2, output increases from TPM1 TO TPM2
- Increase in profits leads to increase in capital investment leads to increase in marginal productivity leads to increases in surplus labour being drawn in etc…
Lewis turning point
where all surplus labour has been absorbed by the modern sector
- increase in agricultural sector wages
- decrease in agr sector total product
- growth of modern sector slows as cheap labour dries up
Example of lewis turning point?
China? Real wages have risen in rural areas
Criticism of lewis
1) Surplus agricultutral labour - little evidence for an abundance of surplus labour in rural areas
2) Capital investment- unliekly capitalists will reinvest profits into the same technologu
3) Homogeniety of labour: workers have diffrent skills and experiences that may affect the ability to transition into new sectors and thier productivity in them