Structural Pest Control Flashcards
Identification of the pest and other contributing factors in insect pest management is called:
Prescription includes how, when and where:
to use the desired control to correct the problem.
Caulking or filling in cracks in buildings and foundations:
is a method of pest exclusion
A good way to assess success or failure of a control program is:
periodic inspections
Adult female cockroaches produce small, bean-like capsules:
or oothecae which contain the eggs
Cockroaches can feed on:
- meat and grease
- sweets and baked goods
- wallpaper paste
The German cockroach:
is the most prevalent household cockroach in Kansas
The adult oriental cockroach is:
glossy dark brown to black
The woods roach:
is not a normal home dwelling species
Chemicals will control cockroaches much better if:
chemicals are placed in or near regular hiding places
Pesticide selection for cockroach control should be based on:
- insect species and application technique
- surfaces to be treated
- information on the label
The pesticide formulation which requires constant agitation in the spray tank is:
a wettable powder
Dusts are usually less hazardous to people than sprays because:
They are not as easily absorbed through the skin
Silverfish and firebrats prefer to inhabit:
dark places
What material do silverfish and firebrats usually damage?
- glue or starchy materials
- leather or fur
- paper or light clothing
Most kitchen or pantry insect pests are:
beetles or moths
Stored foods attacked by pests are:
- dried fruit
- cured meat
- grains
The Indian meal moth damages:
food in the larval stage of its life cycle
The confused flour beetle generally feeds on:
cereal products
What is the life cycle for the drugstore beetle?
6 months or longer
Book lice can be serious pests for:
manufacturers of food products and containers
The best procedure for cleaning cracks and crevices in cabinet shelves is:
with a vacuum cleaner
The brown, hairy larva of the carpet beetle can be found:
- in stored woolens
- in carpets
- in stored food
To control a localized carpet beetle infestation:
remove infested material if possible and apply insecticide to the storage area surfaces
Adult case making clothes moths are:
yellowish or buff and 1/4 inch long
Especially subject to attack by house and field crickets are:
clothes soiled with perspiration
Cave or camel crickets’ diets consist of:
plant debris and paper products
Boxelder bugs are more common:
during dry summers
Where do the boxelder bug nymphs spend most of their lives?
in weeds and under plant debris
The adult elm leaf beetle may overwinter in:
- attics
- garages
- woodpiles
Attic flies are pests because:
their buzzing, noisy presence is irritating to people
Clover mites can be distinguished from other mites found in the home:
by their long front legs
During high summertime temperatures, the clover mite
eggs remain dormant until cooler temperatures (under 85 degrees Fahrenheit)
house centipedes occasionally enter homes and feed on:
- brown recluse spiders and silverfish
- house flies and clothes moths
- small cockroaches
Millipedes are considered pests because they:
may stain fabrics if they are crushed
Ground beetles are frequently mistaken for:
Springtails are:
generally not an economic problem
Successful control of occasional indoor pests can be obtained if:
control measure are taken outside of the building
The housefly eggs will hatch in ___ under favorable conditions.
24 hours or less
What is essential for housefly control?
Proper sanitation
Chemical control of housefly adults indoors usually includes:
Drain flies (moth, filter, or sewage flies) are:
1/16 to 1/8 inch long and light gray or tan in color
Insecticides should be used on drain flies:
only after solving sanitation problems
Mating and egg laying among spiders occur:
during spring and fall only
Some young spiders have been carried through the air up to 6 miles by a method known as:
In Kansas, the brown recluse spider is found:
throughout the state
A person is most likely to be bitten by a brown recluse:
indoors when putting on clothes which have been stored
The female black widow spider is normally:
shy and nocturnal in habit
An important thing to remember when using chemical control on spiders is:
Spiders are not insects so check label during pesticide selection
Scorpions rarely sting humans, but when they do, the sting:
resembles that of a bee or wasp
To achieve effective flea control:
treat fleas on pets plus areas they frequent
Flea infestations on pets should be treated:
by the owner or veterinarian
The brown dog tick is an important pest of:
The American dog tick is:
one of the most common ticks in Kansas
Blacklegged ticks are present in Kansas:
in the eastern three tiers of counties
All growth stages of the lone star tick feed on:
mice, dogs, horses, cattle, deer, humans
The mature bed bug:
is a 1/4 inch long, rusty red, wingless insect
Bed bug hiding places are recognized by:
black or brown spots of dried excrement
To control bedbugs in homes:
apply insecticides directly into areas where they hide during the day
The wasps most often confused with honey bees are the:
yellow jackets
The poloists wasps abandon their nests in the fall and overwinter as:
mated female adults
Mud daubers:
are solitary wasps
- feed on flowers and nectar
- Pollinate flowers
Carpenter bees:
make tunnels in wood for nests
are predators and scavengers of many harmful insects
Carpenter ants:
feed on honey dew excreted by aphids and food scraps
Carpenter ants are usually:
found near moisture
Non chemical control of carpenter ants include:
removing logs and stumps that possibly have nests
Mound building ants may enter and leave nests through tunnels and control around the mound may require treatment of areas up to:
10 feet or more in radius
Poisoned baits can be used effectively for ant control:
if they are slow acting poisons
Entomophobia means:
excessive fear of insects
In cases of “cryptic parasitism” the word “cryptic” means:
hidden or hard to find
An example of cryptic parasitism may be caused by:
- animal mange mites
- straw itch mites
- ordinary chiggers
Without finding the cause of cryptic parasitism, it may be a case of:
illusory parasitosis
In “illusory parasitosis” skin sensations are caused by:
physical or chemical agents
___ is the most serious condition.
delusory parasitosis
In the case of ___ there is no external, physical cause.
delusory parasitosis
Delusory parasitosis:
cannot be corrected by reasoning or pesticide use
fumigants are pesticides that:
are or become a gas mixture
Factors that can change the efficiency of fumigants are:
temperature, moisture, pests and structure
Even when this building material is well sealed, it does not retain fumigant very well.
This fumigant is highly flammable in the air:
For tarp fumigation, polyethylene traps with a minimum thickness of ___ can be used.
1 1/2 mil
As a class, ___ are the most toxic of all pesticides
Threshold limit values (TLV) refer to ___ concentrations.
The respiratory protection device that provides the minimum protection is the:
full face gas mask with canisters
Symptoms of light exposure to fumigants include:
- headache
- irritation of respiratory tract
- muscle cramps
Once it appears fumigation is necessary, you must:
conduct a serious on-site inspection
Warning signs for fumigation must be printed in:
English and Spanish
Factors affecting aeration time include:
- rate of air exchange
- temperature
- sorption and desorption
When working around old or abandoned bird roost sites a respirator or face mask with dust filter should be worn to prevent inhalation of:
fungus spores
The female pigeon will lay ___ eggs several times a year.
1 or 2
What frightening devices are used to remove pigeons from an area?
No practical alarm or distress signals have been found
A single dose poison applied to whole grain corn:
is a toxicant
A female sparrow will commonly lay 5 eggs at a time and ___ brood(s) is(are) raised each year.
A trap that catches a larger number of sparrows at a time is the:
double funnel trap
The following trap has been effective for capturing large numbers of starlings:
modified Australian crow trap
The first step in controlling rats and mice is:
put the population under stress
Rats reach reproductive maturity in about:
3 months
Rat traps should be set close to a wall and baited with a small piece of:
hot dog or bacon
Rats can become bait shy when they:
eat a sublethal amount of acute poison
Water baits are particularly useful on rats in:
grain storage structures
Cats and dogs:
can be related to rat problems around homes
House mice eat many kinds of food but usually feed on:
cereal grains
Mouse traps should be spaced no more than ___ apart in areas where signs of mice are observed.
10 feet
Anticoagulant baits formulated into paraffin blocks:
are useful in damp areas
Fumigants for rodents:
- are quick acting with 100% rodent control
- are highly toxic to humans and animals
- may control insect pests and house mice
The only true mammals capable of true flight are:
Female bats usually collect in buildings in the ___ to bear and rear young.
Outbreaks of rabies in bats are:
extremely rare or nonexistent
In general, bat proofing of buildings involves sealing of any openings greater than:
1/4 inch
which species of skunk is protected by Kansas regulation?
spotted skunk
The first step in squirrel control is to:
exclude them from buildings
When removing a raccoon from an area, it must be taken at least ___ from the capture sight and released along a stream.
25 miles