Structural Imaging Flashcards
What does contrast allow for?
Lets us visually differentiate between different types of fluid, tissue and bone
What are the properties of high and low MR signal?
High MR signal shows up as bright
Low MR signal shows up as dark
What are the major types of structural brain imaging?
T1- weighted
What are the characteristics of T1-weighted imaging?
Shows intensity of T1 signal (contrast comes from differences in tissues T1 relaxation times)
CSF = dark
White matter = very bright
Grey matter = quite bright
What are the characteristics of T2-weighted imaging?
Shows intensity of T2 signal (contrast comes from differences in tissues T2 relaxation times)
CSF = bright
White matter = darker grey
Grey matter = brighter grey
What are the characteristics of FLAIR?
FLAIR images are T2 weighted scans where an ‘inversion’ RF pulse in the scan additionally cancels signal from CSF (making it dark instead of bright)
This makes it particularly good for picking out certain types of brain pathology
What determines whether the scan is picking up more T1 or T2 signal?
Determined largely by the sequences “repetition time” and “echo time” which are written as “TR” and “TE” with a number following denoting that time in milliseconds
What length of TR/TE times create which image?
Short TR/TE times will create heavier T1 weighting
Long TR/TE times will create heavier T2 weighting
Standard T1 and T2 scans do not literally show only T1 or T2 signal, they are just weighted much more heavily towards one or the other - the voxel values in these images are arbitrary
Can scans be created which show actual T1 or T2 times?
Yes - these are called quantitative T1/T2 or T1/T2 mapping
Here the value in each pixel is the actual relaxation time for the tissue present in that location
What is quantitative T1/T2 mapping useful for?
Can help emphasise certain features like the evidence of a stroke
What other structural imaging methods are there which are not really used in clinical neuroimaging?
T2 star
Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SW)
Proton density
Why do we have different types of scan?
- T1 weighted images have good tissue contrast - tend to be the gold standard for showing healthy anatomy
- T1 scans have modest ability to show pathology - T1 scan does not differentiate well in colour from CSF
- Other types of scan are geared towards highlighting different kinds of pathology - T2 weighting is much better at highlighting white matter lesions as bright tissue, doing this via FLAIR image also makes differentiation from CSF easy
- FLAIRs are excellent for investigating a range of brain pathology
- Diffusion weighted imaging shows recent strokes before damage becomes visible on other scans
What dimensions can structural scans be in?
- Each slice is an image of a very thin section of tissue
- Anatomical information between slices is lost
- Enabled by the inclusion of the third MR gradient
- All tissue now contributes to the data in the voxels (3D pixels)
What is partial volume?
Partial volume artefact occurs when tissues of widely different absorption are encompassed on the same CT voxel producing a beam attenuation proportional to the average value of these tissues
What is isotropic?
When a voxel is the same length in each axis
What tools are used for basic processing of structural images?
SPM central
What does FreeSurfer do?
Arguably the more unique option with a particular emphasis on cortical analysis
Delineates between where the white matter is and where the grey matter is
Can tell you how thick the grey matter is
What is SPM central?
Statistical parametric mapping
Run out of matlab
What is FSL?
FMRIB’s software library
Oxford centre for functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
Run using linux
What is involved in MRI scan pre-processing?
- File conversion
- Ensuring correct image orientation data
- Intensity non-uniformity correction
What tools are used for file conversion?
Many tools for this, but a popular one is “dcm2niix”
How do you ensure correct image orientation?
Software tools like to know which way is up and parts of the nifti header can be modified to give this information
In 99% of cases, running the FSL tool “fslorient2std” on a fresh nifti image will add correct orientation information
What is intensity non-uniformity correction?
The coil worn in an MRI scanner is an essential part of the scan, but creates distortions in the local magnetic field - so does the person’s head
These results in collected images being generally brighter/darker towards the centre which creates noise so correction is needed to create the real image
(Slow and smooth intensity variation across datasets)
FSL will do this as part of its FAST pipeline, for tissue segmentation - although it is a good step to have run on your structural scan before any analysis
What are the structural MRI analysis methods?
- Brain extraction
- Tissue segmentation (and tissue volume)
- Masks
- Image registration
- Pulling it all together
What is brain extraction?
The removal of all voxels which are not the brain
It is better to have the entire brain plus a few voxels of skull or other material than having no skull at all but missing brain
Brain extraction means imaging processing software can run more efficiently as it is not processing unwanted data
What is tissue segmentation?
Aims at partitioning an image into segments corresponding to different tissue classes
FSL will read a structural brain scan and produce additional images in the same space which show where different major tissue types are
What are TPM images?
Tissue probability maps or tissue partial volume maps
Good scan visualisation software lets us mount multiple images at once to create helpful collages
The voxel values in a TPM are no longer arbitrary - they now represent the % of the voxel which belongs to that type of tissue
Can you measure tissue volume from segmentation?
A tissue segmentation image has all the information needed to know the overall volume of a person’s grey matter or white matter
- The total volume of all voxels identified as having some GM/WM
- The mean value of those voxels
Multiplying these together gives us the person GM/WM volume
Why is it useful knowing the volume of someone’s brain?
Neurodegenerative conditions lead to brain atrophy - brain volume is a straightforward and intuitive way of measuring this, which structural MRI is perfect for
However, people naturally have different sized brains
Taking the raw brain volume straight from a scan is fine to look within one patient, e.g., comparing the size of their brain 5 years ago to now
However, comparing volume between people needs a normalising factor
How do we normalise brain volume?
FSL has a pipeline that will give you grey and white matter volumes, normalised to the size of a person’s skull
We can imagine how this gives us a better idea of if a person’s brain has shrunk compared to their own, healthy baseline
What is masking?
Brain masking of MRI images separates brain from surrounding tissue and its accuracy is critical for the further analyses of imaging data
Manual masking (MM) is generally considered the gold standard, but it is extremely time-consuming, taking up as much as several hours per case
The new image consists of only 1s or 0s (1 if there is white matter present, 0 if none present)
Can be used for white matter and grey matter
It is a way of identifying and defining voxels of particular interest for further analysis
What is image space?
Images are in the same space when they are in alignment
This means that the same coordinates in each image refer to the same bit of brain anatomy
What is image registration?
Scans from different people will always be in different spaces to begin with - that person’s ‘native space’
In an imaging study we often want to manipulate scans somehow so that they do share the same space
Image registration is a processing technique that moves, stretches and squishes one image to match the alignment of another
It always involves a target image and the image you are wanting to register to the target
What is FLIRT?
FMRIBs linear registration
Used to register images from the same person
Up to 12 degrees of freedom - the number of ways the program can move, stretch and squish the image
Every manoeuvre introduces data noise so we want to be as conservative as possible
What happens as you increase the degrees of freedom in FLIRT?
With 6 DOF = ‘rigid body’ registration - it will shift the brain around in the space of the image in all directions without deforming the actual shape
With 12 DOF - this may result in a scan being upscaled or downscaled - something to consider when thinking about how your data is being affected in the process
What is FNIRT?
FMRIBs non-linear registration
Used to register different people’s brains together
Non-linear - so parts of the brain can be differently warped in uneven ways
What technique does registration use?
A cost function to work out how to change an image to match another
This is the mathematical approach to determine how similar or dissimilar the images being registered are and therefore when a good registration has been achieved
Also need a method of interpolation to generate the newly-registered image
How are all the methods pulled together?
We can start to imagine how combining these sorts of techniques let us process brain images in systematic ways to understand them better
How would we measure the size of someone’s hippocampus who has Alzheimer’s?
This could be done manually, by literally drawing onto an MRI scan and then using the software to tell us the size of the objects we have just drawn.
But this has many pitfalls; it takes significant training to know where the hippocampus is, and there will be human error in the drawings meaning it is not very repeatable
How do we overcome the potential human error when drawing manually on a scan?
A template is not a brain scan of a single person, but the average brain scan of multiple people. It can be created by scanning many people, registering their T1 scans into the same space, and then taking a mathematical average.
Templates are very powerful. They can often used as a “target” image in a study to register everyone’s scans into the same space.
They can also be used to pre-draw regions of interest (ROIs), like a hippocampus, so this only needs to be done once
What is the most common brain template?
The MNI152 brain
Explain the process using templates to measure the hippocampus
- Brain extraction
- Brain vs skull estimation (normalising factor)
- Automatic hippocampus identification (FSL’s “FIRST) -identifies a value which represents the hippocampus
= From this you can use different tools to calculate the volume of voxels which have the corresponding value identified by FIRST - Perform on all scans in a dataset and normalise all hippocampi volumes
- We can now compare everyone’s hippocampi size controlling for natural brain size variation
What are TE and TR times?
TE = time to echo
Time between the delivery of the RF pulse and the receipt of the echo signal
TR = repetition time
The amount of time between successive pulse sequences applied to the same slice